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 Opens an order bag in the indicated work area

     ERRCODE orderListAdd(
                                AREAP wa,
                                LPDBORDERINFO lpdbOrderInfo


     wa is a pointer to self.

     lpdbOrderInfo is a pointer to a structure containing information
     about the order bag to be opened.


     orderListAdd() opens an order bag with all its associated orders in the
     work area.  This functionality is analogous to the CA-Clipper SET INDEX
     TO...ADDITIVE command.

 Default Behavior

     You must implement the default behavior of this method through a

 Implementation Notes

     .  Before an order can be attached to the work area, the
        work area's buffer should be written to disk in a SELF_GOCOLD() call.

     .  It is recommended that you place a limit on the number of open
        orders per work area since memory is a finite resource, even if you
        tap the power of the Virtual Memory API to supply you with memory.

     .  By convention, once the order is set, a SELF_GOTOP() should be
        issued to remain consistent with the CA-Clipper DML.

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: AREA DBORDERINFO goCold() goTop() orderListClear()

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