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 AX_AppendFrom()      Imports records from a table located on the same server
 AX_AutoOpen()        Turn off the automatic opening of structural indexes
 AX_AXSLocking()      Returns and sets the Advantage locking mode
 AX_BLOB2File()       Writes a BLOB from a memo field to a file
 AX_CacheRecords()    Number of records to read-ahead and cache on the client
 AX_CDXCheck()        Enable or disable "cannot open structural index" error
 AX_ChooseOrdBagExt() Choose ext. ordBagExt() returns for DBFCDXAX RDD
 AX_ClearOrder()      Close a specified index
 AX_ClrScope()        Clear the TOP or BOTTOM scope value
 AX_CopyTo()          Exports records to a new table located on same server
 AX_DBFDecrypt()      Decrypts a previously encrypted table
 AX_DBFEncrypt()      Encrypts a table
 AX_Driver()          Verify an Advantage RDD is loaded
 AX_Error()           Internal error code for last Advantage operation
 AX_ExprEngine()      Turns the Advantage Expression Engine ON or OFF
 AX_ExprError()       Error status of last evaluated expression
 AX_ExprValid()       Verify if expression can be evaluated by Advantage
 AX_File2BLOB()       Stores the contents of a file into a memo field
 AX_FileOrder()       Returns currently active index file order
 AX_GetDrive()        Determines the location of a table
 AX_GetLocks()        Fill an array with locked record numbers
 AX_I_IndexName()     Get name of index file being indexed or reindexed
 AX_I_TagName()       Returns name of current tag being indexed or reindexed
 AX_RecordEncrypted() Determine whether the current record is encrypted
 AX_IndexCount()      Number of index files open in work area
 AX_IndexFilter()     Return FOR clause expression of a conditional index
 AX_IndexName()       Return file name of an open index file
 AX_IndexType()       Type of the current or specified index
 AX_IsFLocked()       Returns file lock status for a table
 AX_IsLocked()        Returns the lock status for an individual record
 AX_IsReadOnly()      Returns READONLY status of a table
 AX_IsReindex()       Check if REINDEX is in progress
 AX_IsShared()        Returns SHARED status of a table
 AX_IsUnique()        Returns index order was built w/ "unique" clause
 AX_KeyAdd()          Manually add a key to an index or tag
 AX_KeyCount()        Get number of keys in an index or tag
 AX_KeyDrop()         Manually remove a key from an index or tag
 AX_KeyNo()           Get position of current key within index or tag
 AX_KeysIncluded()    Determine number of keys included in the index
 AX_KeyVal()          Returns key value for current record in the index order
 AX_KillTag()         Delete a tag from a compound index (.cdx)
 AX_Loaded()          Verifies if Advantage server is started/loaded
 AX_MemoArrayStyle()  Choose memo array style to write to FPT memo files
 AX_RDDCount()        Determine the number of RDDs linked into an application
 AX_RDDInfo()         Return information about the current or specified RDD
 AX_RDDName()         Return the name of the specified RDD
 AX_RightsCheck()     Sets security method used to open or create files
 AX_RLock()           Locks one or more records in a shared table
 AX_SeekLast()        Seeks to the last occurrence of a key
 AX_SetFileOrd()      Set an active index file to the controlling index
 AX_SetMemoBlock()    Set memory block size for new memo files
 AX_SetPassword()     Sets the password for subsequent encryption/decryption
 AX_SetRDD()          Set the specified RDD as the default
 AX_SetScope()        Set or return an index scope value
 AX_SetTag()          Set a tag active by name
 AX_SetTagNo()        Set a tag active by number
 AX_SetTagOrder()     Sets index order at the .cdx tag level
 AX_SkipUnique()      Skip to the next/previous unique key in an index
 AX_TableName()       Get the name of the current table
 AX_TableEncrypted()  Determines if current table is encrypted
 AX_TagCount()        Count the number of tags in a .cdx file
 AX_TagInfo()         Return information about all tags in .cdx file
 AX_TagName()         Get the name of the current or specified tag
 AX_TagNo()           Number of the active tag within a .cdx file
 AX_TagOrder()        Find tag order of current compound index (.cdx)
 AX_Tags()            Get the names of all tags in a compound index (.cdx)
 AX_Transaction()     Specify a transaction activity
 AX_TPSCleanup()      Recovers from a failed transaction
 AX_UnLock()          Unlock one or more records in a shared table
 AX_UserLockID()      Get connection number of station that has record locked
 AX_Version()         Returns Advantage software version information

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