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  Advantage Optimized Filters (AOF) Overview

      Server Advantage Optimized Filter APIs
 AX_ClearServerAOF()    Clears an AOF that was created on the server
 AX_EvalServerAOF()     Determines a Server AOF optimization level
 AX_GetAOFExpr()        Returns current active Server AOF expression
 AX_GetAOFOptLevel()    Returns optimization level of the current Server AOF
 AX_GetAOFRecordCount() Returns number of records in Server AOF
 AX_RefreshServerAOF()  Rebuilds the current Server AOF
 AX_SetServerAOF()      Creates a new AOF on the server

      Client Advantage Optimized Filter APIs
 aofAddRange()          Adds records in a specified range to a Client AOF
 aofAddRecord()         Adds a record to a Client AOF
 aofAndFilter()         Logically AND's the records in two Client AOFs
 aofCopyFilter()        Makes a copy of the Client AOF
 aofCountRecords()      Returns the number of records in a Client AOF
 aofCreateFilter()      Creates a new Client AOF for ownership by a user
 aofDbEval()            Optimized version of dbEval fns with FOR conditions
 aofDestroyFilter()     Destroy filter saved in memory without restoring it
 aofErrorCode()         Returns internal error code for last Client AOF func
 aofFileToFilter()      Restores a Client AOF from a file
 aofFilterInfo()        Get information about a Client AOF
 aofFiltToFile()        Saves a Client AOF to a file
 aofFiltToSystem()      Transfers ownership of Client AOF from user to system
 aofFiltToUser()        Transfers ownership of Client AOF from system to user
 aofFreeFilter()        Frees the memory for a user-owned Client AOF
 aofGetAutoResolve()    Gets flag to auto resolve partially optz'd Client AOFs
 aofGetFilterHandle()   Gets the handle of a Client AOF owned by the system
 aofGetMaxRecords()     Get maximum record number that can be in a Client AOF
 aofGetOptLevel()       Get the optimization level of a Client AOF
 aofGetRecord()         Returns record number positioned to in the Client AOF
 aofGetVersion()        Returns the Client AOF version information
 aofGoBottom()          Position to last record in a user-owned Client AOF
 aofGoRecord()          Position to specified record in user-owned Client AOF
 aofGoTop()             Position to first record in a user-owned Client AOF
 aofHasPartials()       Determine if Client AOF is still partially optimized
 aofIsOptimizable()     Determine optimization level for Client AOF expression
 aofIsRecordInFilter()  Determine if a record is in the Client AOF
 aofKeyCount()          Get # of recs passing the Client AOF w/in index scope
 aofKeyGoto()           Go to logical rec passing Client AOF w/in index scope
 aofKeyNo()             Get rec position w/in the Client AOF w/in index scope
 aofNotFilter()         Logically NOT's the records in a Client AOF
 aofOrFilter()          Logically OR's the records in two Client AOFs
 aofRebuildFilter()     Rebuilds the current system-owned Client AOF
 aofReFilter()          AND's system-owned Client AOF w/ specified condition
 aofRemoveRecord()      Removes a record from a Client AOF
 aofResolvePartial()    Turns partially opt Client AOF into fully opt AOF
 aofRestoreFilter()     Restores system-owned Client AOF stored in memory
 aofSaveFilter()        Saves a system-owned Client AOF to memory
 aofSetAutoResolve()    Flag to resolve part opt Client AOF into fully opt AOF
 aofSetFilter()         Creates a new system-owned Client AOF
 aofSkip()              Skips forward/backward in a user-owned Client AOF
 aofSmartFilter()       Flag to resolve partially opt Client AOF recs on fly
 aofToggleRecord()      Toggles whether record is contained in a Client AOF
 aofVarToString()       Converts variable to equivalent string constant

      MachSix and ClipMore equivalent functions

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