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 LINEOUT()            write one line in a hard-coded report
 LIST_EM()            a mechanism for line-oriented, coded reports
 LOCKFILE()           attempt to lock a file, with retry
 LOCKREC()            attempt to lock a record, with retry
 LOCKREL()            attempt to lock the record and related tables
 LOGIN()              generalized login procedure with password
 LONGEST()            determine the longest in an array of strings
 LOOKUP()             validation routine using a lookup table
 LTOC()               turn a logical into a character expression
 L_MENU()             a generalized ring menu administrator
 MACRO()              macro-expand a string, return the result
 MACROBLOCK()         convert a macro-string into a code block
 MACRO_RPT()          execute a report as a macro-expansion
 MAKE_MENU()          default menu builder for The_Usual()
 MAKE_STR()           turn any value into a string
 MAKE_TABLE() **      create a DBF from arrays of field names/specs
 MASK_FOR()           popup search-target requestor with formatting
 MCOUNT() **          determine the number of memo fields in a DBF
 MEMOFIELDS()         create an array of names of memo fields
 MEMOPOS()            return the field number of a memo field
 MENU_ORD()           allow changing of order via pulldown menu
 MENU_REC()           point-and-shoot record selector
 MIDDLE()             center a string by padding both ends
 MINIMAX()            force a value within a specified range
 MOD()                determine the modulus of a number
 MOD_10()             perform a mod 10 check on an integer
 MODI_STRU()          interactively create / modify a DBF structure
 MONS_BTW()           obtain the number of months between 2 dates
 MRPL()               multi-user replace routine with own locks
 MSG()                a generalized message function for line 24
 MSTATUS()            determine if a memo field contains anything
 MUSE()               open a DBF in a multi-user environment
 MZAP()               Zap a DBF in a multi-user environment
 NEXT()               obtain the next item in a sequential index
 NOFINDMESG()         general pop-up message for failed seeks
 NOR()                perform a logical NOR on an array of logicals
 NOTEPAD()            a generalized notepad to link into an app
 NSUBSTR()            retrieve the nth portion of a delimited string
 OR()                 Perform a logical OR on an array of logicals
 OUT_OK()             check if ESC was pressed during a report
 PACKDICT()           Pack/re-open/re-index all DBFs in the dictionary
 PACKFILE()           Remove all deleted records from .dbf/.dbt
 PAGE()               change screen number in multi-screen USUAL()
 PARENTS()            Determine the number of current table's parents
 PARTCOLOR()          Return a portion of a colour string
 PASSWORD()           Get and validate a user password
 PATHFIND()           Find a file in the current DOS path
 PD_BECOME()          Create a "menu object" for use by PD_MENU()
 PD_CREATE()          Creates a "menu object" for use by PD_MENU()
 PD_MENU()            Creates an SAA pulldown menu system
 PMT()                Calculate the mortgage payment on a loan
 POP_MSG()            Pop up a message, wait for a keystroke
 POP_REL()            Restore the relational state in a View
 POP_QUERY()          Restore a query state saved by PUSH_QUERY()
 POP_SCR()            Restore a screen from the SCREENS table
 PRINTER()            Get printer status and deal with it
 PRN_CODE()           Send a code to the printer, or return it
 PRN_EDIT()           Edit the current record in the PRINTER table
 PRN_STATUS()         Get printer status
 PRN_TEST()           Send a test string to the printer
 PROGNAME()           Return the complete pathname of the program
 PROPER()             Convert any string to proper case
 PRT_LETTER()         Print a form letter to <address>
 PULL_OPEN()          create a pull down a sub-menu from THE_USUAL()
 PUSH_QUERY()         Save a query state. Restore with POP_QUERY()
 PUSH_REL()           Push a relational state
 PUSH_SCR()           Save the current screen to a SCREENS file
 QUERIES()            Query-file maintenance utility
 QUERY()              generalized relational query module
 Q_OPTIMIZE()         Set or undo an optimised filter.
 QUITPROG()           Gracefully exit a program
 RCOPY()              Copy one record into another
 READER()             Read a text file into a memo field
 READKEY()            Resolve READKEY() and Clipper's LASTKEY()
 READNEXT()           Read the next n lines of a text file
 READPREV()           Read the previous n lines of a text file
 READ_ARRAY()         Read the lines from a text file into an array
 READ_IT()            A single udf to handle all READs
 READ_MEMO()          Pop up window to edit a memo or any text
 REPLACE_EM()         single/multiuser cover for REPLACE
 REPO_MAN()           General report manager
 ROOTNAME()           Return a filename, shorn of any file extension
 RPL()                A generalised REPLACE function
 RPLCHIFLDS()         REPLACE non-key fields in child tables
 RPLFIELDS()          multi-file replace routine
 RPT_CALL()           Execute the R&R report named in REPORTS table
 RPT_COPIES()         Set the number of copies for a printed report
 RPT_DEST()           Select the report destination
 RPT_EXEC()           Front-end executor for all types of reports
 RPT_HEADR()          A default report header for use with LIST_EM()
 RPT_MENU()           Front-end for selecting a report to produce
 RPT_OPTS()           report options menu; calls report executor
 RPT_QUERY()          Allow the current report to inherit a query
 RPT_RESET()          Resets the current record in REPORTS
 RPT_RRUN()           Run an R&R report using RRUN.EXE
 RPT_SCOPE()          Obtains scope boundaries for report
 RPT_STD()            Execute a .FRM or .LBL report
 RRPL()               relational replace mechanism
 RUN_DIR()            Show a sorted directed in a scrolling window
 RUN_WP()             Edit a memo field with a word processor
 SCRAPFILES()         Add a file to the list of files to be scrapped
 SCRAT()              Set screen attribute for a specified area
 SCROLLFILE()         Scroll/pan a text file in a window
 SCR_INIT()           Open/Create the SCREENS file
 SCR_LINE()           Draw a line across the screen
 SEARCH()             Generalised search routine called by THE_USUAL()
 SEEK_REL()           relation-sensitive SEEK command
 SEND_CODE()          Send control strings from file to printer
 SETUP()              Guarantee ability to open n files
 SET_BROWSE()         Fill fields[], pictures[], heads[] arrays
 SET_FILTER()         Set a normal or optimised filter
 SET_INDEX()          General purpose set-index function
 SET_KEYS()           Set or release hot-key definitions
 SET_ORDER()          Set the index order in a work area
 SET_PAGE()           Activate next-page/previous-page commands
 SET_PRN()            Data-driven printer-setup routine
 SET_RELAT()          Set all the relations specified in a DICT record
 SET_SYS() **         Set system with system file flags
 SET_TABLE()          create default arrays for THE_USUAL()
 SET_TARGET()         Select output destination for a coded report
 SEX()                Translates "M" or "F" into "Male" or "Female"
 SHADOW()             Place a non-destructive shadow on screen
 SHADOWBOX()          Draw a box with a shadow behind it
 SIGN_BOX()           Draw the box used by SIGN_ON() and SIGN_OFF()
 SIGN_OFF()           A generalised program closer
 SIGN_ON()            Open all your programs a call to this routine
 SLEEP()              pause for a specified number of seconds
 SNAKE() / SNAKENEW() Output a snaking list of character strings
 SSN()                U.S. Social Security Number ###-##-####
 SSNC()               Canadian Social Insurance Number ###-###-###
 STAT_LINE()          Display record and query status on line 24
 STD_DATE()           Generalised date manipulation function
 STOT()               Convert seconds to a time string
 STRINT()             Convert a number to a string
 STRZERO()            Turn a number into a string with leading zeroes
 SUM_FIELDS()         Sum numeric fields in a file or files
 SYSCOLOR()           Set colour for screen output
 TAG_RECORD()         Hot-key access to record tagging
 TBROWSER()           A generalized Browse window based on TBrowse
 TDIFF()              Calculate the difference between two times
 TEMPNAME()           Create a uniquely named temporary file
 TEXTDATE()           Transform a date to a text string
 TEXTTIME()           Display time in a specified formats
 THE_USUAL()          Generalized multi-file maintenance routine
 TRANSFER()           Copy or move data from one table to another
 TTOFN()              Establish a file name based on the time
 TTOS()               Convert a time to number of seconds
 TUBE()               Show-biz box-drawing routine
 T_MENU()             Multiple-choice pop-up tag menu
 UNIQUE()             Prevent duplicate records in a table
 UNLOCKREL()          Unlock current logical record (child/parent)
 USTATS()             Administers the descriptive stats file
 U_BROWSE()           THE_USUAL() interface to BROWSER()
 U_CALC()             THE_USUAL()'s default Calc udf. Sum/count
 U_LIST()             THE_USUAL()'s interface with reports
 U_MEMO()             THE_USUAL()'s interface with READ_MEMO()
 U_PAGE()             THE_USUAL()'s multi-page screen routine
 U_QUERY()            THE_USUAL()'s interface with QUERY()
 U_SEARCH()           THE_USUAL()'s Relational find mechanism
 U_TBROWSE()          THE_USUAL()'s browse mechanism (via TBROWSER())
 U_ZOOM()             The default "Zoom" udf invoked by THE_USUAL()
 VERIFY()             Get a Yes or No from the user, with question
 VIEWFILE()           Scroll/pan a file of any size
 V_MENU()             Generalised vertical menu/executor
 WOY()                Return the week of the year
 WP_UDF()             Add a few custom commands to MEMOEDIT()
 WRITER()             Write a memo field out to an ASCII file
 WSMART()             Create a group of related Tbrowse objects
 XBROWSER()           BROWSER()'s default udf for DBEDIT()
 XB_UDF()             BROWSER()'s default exception handler
 XCOUNT()             Count the open indexes in the current work area
 XINCR()              Return the next logical index key value
 YEARS_BTW()          Calculate the years between two dates
 YESNO()              Pop-Up box to get Yes, No, or Cancel
 YOFA()               Calculates an age in years
 ZOOM_BOX()           Draw an exploding box
 ZOOM_MENU()          THE_USUAL()'s interface to multiple views

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