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 Quick start by compiler
 Please refer to the online help for specific instructions to help you get
 up and running with Blinker and your chosen compiler as quickly as possible.
 Examples of linking from the command line are not shown for each compiler,
 since all but the simplest programs require a link script file. If you do
 not wish to use a link script file please refer to earlier in this chapter
 for some general examples.

 For each compiler an example program with the appropriate assembler or
 compiler command line is shown with the options for a DOS or DOS extended
 program. The source code may require modications to run under Windows, so
 please refer to the compiler or assembler documentation for details of
 Windows programming and any alternative or additional options necessary to
 create Windows programs.

 Each compiler section contains up to three link script file examples when
 appropriate and supported: a DOS extended program, a dual mode or
 dynamically overlaid program, and a Windows program. Each one contains
 comments to clarify the use of the various commands, and for further
 information on each specific command please refer to the online help.

 A DOS extended program uses the simplest link script file, and typically
 consists of a list of the input files, the output file name, the Blinker
 extender library for that compiler, and one or two extra Blinker commands.
 A DOS extended link file can be modified to create a non-overlaid program
 by simply removing the BLINKER EXECUTABLE EXTENDED command.

 A dual mode mode or dynamically overlaid program uses slightly more
 complicated scripts as modules to be overlaid when running in real mode must
 be specified between a BEGINAREA and an ENDAREA. A dual mode link file can
 be modified to create a purely dynamically overlaid DOS program by removing

 A Windows program (where supported by the compiler) uses the DEFFILE command
 to specify a module definition file which is also shown. Alternatively, the
 commands in the definition file can be included in the link script file
 between DEFBEGIN and DEFEND commands.

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