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 PACKING.LST             Blinker 5.0 packing list                   98.11.06
 This file contains a list of all the files which will be installed and
 their functions.

 BLINKER directory:

 UNWISE.EXE    Uninstall program
 BLINKER.HLP   Blinker 5.0 Windows Help online reference
 INSTALL.LOG   Installation log file
 PACKING.LST   Installation files (this file)
 3RDPARTY.TXT  3rd party library compatibility chart
 README.TXT    Last minute notes and amendments to the printed manual
 DEBUG.WRI     Latest debugging notes
 README.WRI    Last minute notes and amendments to the printed manual

 ASM subdirectory:

 BLERRPRG.ASM  Assembly language source for Blinker error handler
 LIMERICK.ASM  Sample program in Assembly language (part 1)
 TEST.ASM      Sample program in Assembly language (part 2)
 TESTOVL.LNK   Sample link file with overlays

 BAS subdirectory:

 BLERRPRG.BAS  BASIC source for Blinker error handler
 LIMERICK.BAS  Sample program for MS BASIC PDS 7.1 (part 1)
 TEST.BAS      Sample program for MS BASIC PDS 7.1 (part 2)
 SWAPDEMO.BAS  Program demonstrating the Blinker swap function
 BLINKER.BI    Include file for Blinker functions
 TESTOVL.LNK   Sample link file with overlays

 BIN subdirectory:

 BCC286.BAT    Borland C/C++ driver file for ZAF 5.x
 BLINKER.COM   Driver to force BLINKER to run as a DOS program
 BLINKER.DLL   Blinker 5.0 executable
 BLIBLD.EXE    Protected mode library builder
 BLICFG.EXE    Blinker 5.0 configuration program
 BLIGPF.EXE    Blinker 5.0 GPF dump reader
 BLILIB.EXE    Blinker 5.0 import librarian
 BLINKER.EXE   Blinker 5.0 executable
 BLINKMEM.EXE  Blink Inc. XMS and UMB memory test program

 C subdirectory:

 INTHAND.ASM   Protected mode interrupt handler example
 SETALL.BAT    Batch file called by SETxxx batch files
 SETBCP.BAT    Set environment for Blinker Borland C++ examples
 SETDEL.BAT    Delete Blinker examples environment settings
 SETMVC.BAT    Set environment for Blinker Microsoft Visual C++ examples
 APITST.C      Blinker DOS extender API test program
 BLERRPRG.C    C language source for Blinker error handler
 GPFHAN.C      Replacement GPF handler example
 INTMAIN.C     Protected mode interrupt handler main program
 LIMERICK.C    Sample C program (part 1)
 TEST.C        Sample C program (part 2)
 SELDMP.C      Selector dump program
 SWAPDEMO.C    Program demonstrating the Blinker swap function
 XMS.C         Real mode interrupt sample program
 BLINKER.H     C/C++ include file for Blinker API functions
 BLX286.H      C/C++ include file for Blinker DOS extender functions
 PHAPI.H       C/C++ include file for PharLap API functions
 INTMAIN.LNK   Protected mode interrupt handler link file
 TESTOVL.LNK   Sample link file with overlays
 ALL.NMK       NMAKE make file included by example make files

 C\DLL subdirectory:

 DYN   <dir>   Example programs for dynamically linked Windows DLLs
 EXT   <dir>   Example programs for DOS extended DLLs
 STC   <dir>   Example programs for statically linked Windows DLLs

 CLP subdirectory:

 SETCLP.BAT    Set environment for CA-Clipper examples
 SETDEL.BAT    Delete Blinker examples environment settings
 BLINKER.CH    Blinker API function header
 SAMPLE5X.LNK  Example script for CA-Clipper 5.x
 SAMPLE87.LNK  Example script for CA-Clipper S'87
 TESTOVL.LNK   Sample link file with overlays
 BLERRC50.PRG  CA-Clipper 5.x Blinker error handler
 BLERRPRG.PRG  CA-Clipper S'87 Blinker error handler
 BLFRGPRG.PRG  CA-Clipper S'87 Fragmentation demonstration
 CLDLLEXT.PRG  CA-Clipper 5.x extra library DLL external definitions
 LIMERICK.PRG  Sample CA-Clipper program (part 1)
 TEST.PRG      Sample CA-Clipper program (part 2)
 PROFILER.PRG  Blinker Profiler program
 SWAPDEMO.PRG  Program demonstrating the Blinker swap function
 ALL.RMK       Make file included by example make files
 MSGSYS15.ZIP  Multi-language replacement 5.x internal error message files

 CLP\DLL subdirectory:

 C4W   <dir>   Example programs for using DLLs with Clip-4-Win
 DBU   <dir>   Example programs for placing DBU in a DLL
 DYN   <dir>   Example programs for dynamically linked DLLs
 FW    <dir>   Example programs for using DLLs with FiveWin
 STC   <dir>   Example programs for statically linked DLLs

 CLP\LNK subdirectory:

 CL87MIN.LNK   CA-Clipper S'87 CLIPPER/EXTEND standard script
 CL87MID.LNK   CA-Clipper S'87 CLIPPER/EXTEND medium overlay script
 CL87MAX.LNK   CA-Clipper S'87 CLIPPER/EXTEND maximum overlay script

 CL501MIN.LNK  CA-Clipper 5.01 CLIPPER/EXTEND standard overlay script
 CL501MID.LNK  CA-Clipper 5.01 CLIPPER/EXTEND medium overlay script
 CL501MAX.LNK  CA-Clipper 5.01 CLIPPER/EXTEND maximum overlay script

 CL520MIN.LNK  CA-Clipper 5.2  CLIPPER/EXTEND standard overlay script
 CL520MID.LNK  CA-Clipper 5.2  CLIPPER/EXTEND medium overlay script
 CL520MAX.LNK  CA-Clipper 5.2  CLIPPER/EXTEND maximum overlay script
 CDX520.LNK    CA-Clipper 5.2  DBFCDX overlay script
 MDX520.LNK    CA-Clipper 5.2  DBFMDX overlay script
 NDX520.LNK    CA-Clipper 5.2  DBFNDX overlay script
 NTX520.LNK    CA-Clipper 5.2  DBFNTX overlay script

 CL530MID.LNK  CA-Clipper 5.3  CLIPPER/EXTEND medium overlay script
 CL530MAX.LNK  CA-Clipper 5.3  CLIPPER/EXTEND maximum overlay script

 CLP\TPL subdirectory:

 BLIDUA.TPL    CA-Clipper 5.3 template for Blinker dual mode program
 BLIEXT.TPL    CA-Clipper 5.3 template for Blinker extended mode program
 BLIRMD.TPL    CA-Clipper 5.3 template for Blinker real mode program

 FOR subdirectory:

 BLINKER.FD    FORTRAN include file for Blinker API functions
 BLX286.FD     FORTRAN include file for Blinker DOS extender functions
 BLINKER.FI    FORTRAN include file for Blinker API functions
 BLX286.FI     FORTRAN include file for Blinker DOS extender functions
 LIMERICK.FOR  Sample FORTRAN program (part 1)
 TEST.FOR      Sample FORTRAN program (part 2)
 SWAPDEMO.FOR  Program demonstrating the Blinker swap function
 TESTOVL.LNK   Sample link file with overlays

 FRC subdirectory:

 README.FRC    Documentation file for all version of Force

 FRC\FORCE2 subdirectory:

 BLINKER.HDR   Force 2.x include file for Blinker functions
 TEST.LNK      Sample link file
 TESTOVL.LNK   Sample link file with overlays
 BLERRPRG.PRG  Force 2.x language source for Blinker error handler
 LIMERICK.PRG  Sample Force 2.x program (part 1)
 TEST.PRG      Sample Force 2.x program (part 2)
 SWAPDEMO.PRG  Program demonstrating the Blinker swap function

 FRC\FORCE2\OBJ subdirectory:

 FMM21E.OBJ    Replacement file for overlaying Force 2.1e programs
 FMM24C.OBJ    Replacement file for overlaying Force 2.4c programs
 FMM24E.OBJ    Replacement file for overlaying Force 2.4e programs

 FRC\FORCE4 subdirectory:

 BLINKER.HDR   Force 4.x include file for Blinker functions
 TEST.LNK      Sample link file
 TESTOVL.LNK   Sample link file with overlays
 BLERRPRG.PRG  Force 4.x language source for Blinker error handler
 LIMERICK.PRG  Sample Force 4.x program (part 1)
 TEST.PRG      Sample Force 4.x program (part 2)
 SWAPDEMO.PRG  Program demonstrating the Blinker swap function

 FRC\FORCE4\MINI subdirectory:

 MAKE.BAT      Batch file to make Force 4.x mini example
 F40MINI.LIB   Force 4.x subset library for mini example
 MINI.OBJ      Force 4.x mini example compiled source
 MINI.PRG      Force 4.x mini example source

 LIB subdirectory:

 BLXBCP31.LIB  Borland C++ 3.1 dual mode library
 BLXBCP40.LIB  Borland C++ 4.0 dual mode library
 BLXBCP45.LIB  Borland C++ 4.5 dual mode library
 BLXBCP50.LIB  Borland C++ 5.x dual mode library
 BLXCLP50.LIB  CA-Clipper 5.01a dual mode library
 BLXCLP52.LIB  CA-Clipper 5.2d dual mode library
 BLXCLP53.LIB  CA-Clipper 5.3 dual mode library
 BLXMSC51.LIB  Microsoft C 5.1 dual mode library
 BLXMSC60.LIB  Microsoft C 6.0a dual mode library
 BLXMSC70.LIB  Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 dual mode library
 BLXMSF51.LIB  Microsoft Fortran 5.1 extended mode library
 BLXMSP40.LIB  Microsoft Pascal 4.0 dual mode library
 BLXMVC10.LIB  Microsoft Visual C++ 1.0 dual mode library
 BLXMVC15.LIB  Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5 dual mode library
 BLXRATEX.LIB  Rational Extender / EXOSPACE protected mode library
 BLXSCP61.LIB  Symantec C/C++ 6.1 dual mode library
 BLXSCP75.LIB  Symantec C/C++ 7.5 dual mode library
 BLXWCC10.LIB  Watcom C/C++ 10.x dual mode library
 BLXWCC11.LIB  Watcom C/C++ 11.0 dual mode library

 MOD subdirectory:

 BLERRHAN.DEF  Modula 2 include file for Blinker error handler
 BLINKER.DEF   Modula 2 include file for Blinker functions
 BLERRHAN.MOD  Modula 2 language source for Blinker error handler
 SWAPDEMO.MOD  Program demonstrating the Blinker swap function

 OBJ directory:

 BLDCLP50.OBJ  CA-Clipper 5.01 DLL handler for each DLL
 BLDCLP52.OBJ  CA-Clipper 5.2 DLL handler for each DLL
 BLDCLP53.OBJ  CA-Clipper 5.3 DLL handler for each DLL
 BLXCLP50.OBJ  CA-Clipper 5.01 DLL handler for main EXE
 BLXCLP52.OBJ  CA-Clipper 5.2 DLL handler for main EXE
 BLXCLP53.OBJ  CA-Clipper 5.3 DLL handler for main EXE
 BLXSHFTR.OBJ  Link for real mode values for __AHSHIFT, __AHINCR
 BLXSHFTP.OBJ  Link for protected mode values for __AHSHIFT, __AHINCR
 C0LP31.OBJ    Borland C++ 3.1 Large model dual mode startup
 C0HP31.OBJ    Borland C++ 3.1 Huge model dual mode startup
 C0LP40.OBJ    Borland C++ 4.0 Large model dual mode startup
 C0HP40.OBJ    Borland C++ 4.0 Huge model dual mode startup
 C0LP45.OBJ    Borland C++ 4.5 Large model dual mode startup
 C0HP45.OBJ    Borland C++ 4.5 Huge model dual mode startup
 C0LP50.OBJ    Borland C++ 5.0 Large model dual mode startup
 C0HP50.OBJ    Borland C++ 5.0 Huge model dual mode startup
 FP7BCP31.OBJ  Borland C++ 3.1 emulator stub when using FP87.LIB
 FP7BCP40.OBJ  Borland C++ 4.0 emulator stub when using FP87.LIB
 FP7BCP45.OBJ  Borland C++ 4.5 emulator stub when using FP87.LIB
 FP7BCP50.OBJ  Borland C++ 5.0 emulator stub when using FP87.LIB
 FP7WCC10.OBJ  Watcom C/C++ 10.x emulator stub when using MATH87.LIB
 FP7WCC11.OBJ  Watcom C/C++ 11.0 emulator stub when using MATH87.LIB
 MPAR.OBJ      Fix file for CA-Clipper 5.x Windows programs

 PAS subdirectory:

 BLINKER.INC   PASCAL include file for Blinker API functions
 TESTOVL.LNK   Sample link file with overlays
 LIMERICK.PAS  Sample Pascal program (part 1)
 TEST.PAS      Sample Pascal program (part 2)
 SWAPDEMO.PAS  Program demonstrating the Blinker swap function

 XPP subdirectory:

 DBU.LNK       Sample link file to link the CA-Clipper DBU program with Xbase++

 XPP\DLL subdirectory:

 MAKE.BAT      Sample batch file to build DLL example
 MAIN.LNK      Sample link file for DLL example main program
 XDLL1.LNK     Sample link file for DLL example DLL 1
 XDLL2.LNK     Sample link file for DLL example DLL 2
 PROJECT.XPJ   Sample project file for DLL example

 ZAF subdirectory

 HELLO.LNK     Sample link file for ZAF 5.1 HELLO example for Borland C++ 5.x

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