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 break     Exit from the innermost while, do, or for loop.

           NOTE: break is not needed in switch statements...and
                 if issued, it will still break out of the nearest loop!

 continue  Jumps back to the top of the nearest for, while or do loop.

 do, while Do-while construct.  Executes statements one or more
           times until condition is non-0.  The condition is tested
           after each iteration of the loop.

                   while (condition);

 if, else  Implements the if-then-else construct.  The else is
           optional. Evaluates the condition; if the condition is
           non-zero, executes the if_statements; otherwise, it
           executes the else_statements.

                   if (condition)
                     { if_statements }
                     { else_statements }

 return    Terminate the current macro and return the given value.

 switch    Lets you specify an outcome for each of a number of
           possible values of a variable.  The case variables must
           be CONSTANT integers.

                   switch (condition)
                      case CONSTANT: statement;
                      case CONSTANT: statement;
                      [default: statement;]

           NOTE: break is not needed in switch statements...and
                 if issued, it will still break out of the nearest loop!

 while     Implements a while-loop, repeatedly performing statements
           while the condition is true (non-zero). In each iteration
           of the loop, it first tests the condition, and if it is
           true it executes statement. This cycle is continued until
           condition is false (zero).

                   while (condition)

 for       This is equivalent to the C language FOR construct.  When
           the for function starts, initialize is evaluated once. It
           evaluates condition and if the result is non-zero, it
           evaluates the statements.  Finally, increment is evaluated,
           and control returns to the condition evaluation. The process
           is repeated from here until the condition is evaluated
           zero.  See the manual for more info.

                   for (initialize, condition, increment)

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