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             |                Macro Operators               |
             | *        Multiply integers                   |
             | /        Divide integers                     |
             | +        Add integers OR concatenate strings |
             | -        Subtract integers                   |
             | %        Modulo integers                     |
             | ++       Increment integer                   |
             | --       Decrement integer                   |
             -------- TESTS --------------------------------|
             | ==       Equal (string or int)               |
             | !=       Not equal (string or int)           |
             | <=       Less or equal (string or int)       |
             | >=       Greater or equal (string or int)    |
             | <        Less than (string or int)           |
             | >        Greater than (string or int)        |
             | above    Unsigned int greater than (macro)   |
             | above_eq Unsigned int greater than (macro)   |
             | below    Unsigned int greater than (macro)   |
             | below_eq Unsigned int greater than (macro)   |
             -------- LOGICAL OPERATORS --------------------|
             | !        NOT logical                         |
             | ||       OR logical                          |
             | &&       AND logical                         |
             -------- BITWISE OPERATORS --------------------|
             | &        AND bitwise                         |
             | ~        NOT bitwise (invert all bits)       |
             | |        OR bitwise                          |
             -------- ASSIGNMENT ---------------------------|
             | =        Assignment                          |
             | +=       Add and assign                      |
             | -=       Subtract and assign                 |
             | *=       Multiply and assign                 |
             | /=       Divide and assign                   |
             | %=       Modulo and assign                   |
             | &=       Bitwise AND and assign              |
             | |=       Bitwise OR and assign               |

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