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   Introduction to Supplemental Functions

   Found in CFTS87.LIB, these supplemental functions were created to 
   assist you in using the FAST TEXT SEARCH for Clipper library. In 
   general, they are useful in informing your application of the status 
   of the current operating environment. They are specific to Summer '87; 
   their use with CA-Clipper 5.xx will lead to Undefined Symbols errors. In 
   5.xx, use the SET() function. (See page 5-192 in the Clipper 5.01 
   Reference Manual.) In its current form, CFTS will not allow any 
   reference to the Supplemental functions in a Clipper 5.xx program.

   With a few exceptions, such as CHNGDIR(), SETCURSOR() and SETDRV(), 
   they do not allow direct alteration of the current setting. They can, 
   however, report it to your program. You can then use the SET...TO 
   command in Clipper to modify it. Two other functions, MAKEDIR() and 
   REMDIR() will create and remove subdirectories respectively. They 
   should prove helpful in solving some of the problems that might arise 
   during your development of a CFTS application. Be sure to check the 
   functions available in this group before writing something yourself.

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