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 Data Input and Output
 Reference Item| Description
 ?/??          | Display one or more values to the console
 @...BOX       | Draw a box on the screen
 @...CLEAR     | Clear a rectangular region of the screen
 @...GET       | Create a new Get object and display it on the screen
 @...PROMPT    | Paint a menu item and define a message
 @...SAY       | Display data at a specified screen or printer row and column
 @...TO        | Draw a single or double line box
 ACHOICE()     | Execute a pop-up menu
 ALERT()       | Display a simple modal dialog box
 BROWSE()      | Browse records within a window
 CLEAR GETS    | Release Get objects from the current GetList array
 CLEAR SCREEN  | Clear the screen and home the cursor
 COL()         | Return the screen cursor column position
 DBEDIT()      | Browse records in a table format
 DEVOUT()      | Write a value to the current device
 DISPBEGIN()   | Begin buffering screen output
 DISPBOX()     | Display a box on the screen
 DISPEND()     | Display buffered screen updates
 DISPLAY       | Display records to the console
 DISPOUT()     | Write a value to the display
 GETACTIVE()   | Return the currently active Get object
 LABEL FORM    | Display labels to the console
 LIST          | List records to the console
 MENU TO       | Execute a lightbar menu for defined PROMPTs
 OUTSTD()      | Write a list of values to the standard output device
 QOUT()        | Display a list of expressions to the console
 READ          | Activate full-screen editing mode using Get objects
 READEXIT()    | Toggle Uparrow and Downarrow as READ exit keys
 READINSERT()  | Toggle the current insert mode for READ and MEMOEDIT()
 READKEY()     | Determine what key was used to terminate a READ
 READMODAL()   | Activate a full-screen editing mode for a GetList
 READVAR()     | Return the current GET/MENU variable name
 REPORT FORM   | Display a report to the console
 RESTORE SCREEN| Display a saved screen
 RESTSCREEN()  | Display a saved screen region to a specified location
 ROW()         | Return the screen row position of the cursor
 SAVE SCREEN   | Save current screen to a buffer or variable
 SAVESCREEN()  | Save a screen region for later display
 SCROLL()      | Scroll a screen region up or down
 SET CENTURY   | Modify the date format to include or omit century digits
 SET COLOR     | Define screen colors
 SET CONFIRM   | Toggle required exit key to terminate GETs
 SET CONSOLE   | Toggle console display to the screen
 SET CURSOR    | Toggle the screen cursor on or off
 SET DATE      | Set the date format for input and display
 SET DECIMALS  | Set the number of decimal places displayed
 SET DELIMITERS| Toggle or define GET delimiters
 SET DEVICE    | Direct @...SAYs to the screen or printer
 SET EPOCH     | Control the interpretation of dates with no century digits
 SET ESCAPE    | Toggle Esc as a READ exit key
 SET FIXED     | Toggle fixing of the number of decimal digits displayed
 SET FORMAT    | Activate a format when READ is executed
 SET INTENSITY | Toggle enhanced display of GETs and PROMPTs
 SET MESSAGE   | Set the @...PROMPT message line row
 SET SCOREBOARD| Toggle the message display from READ or MEMOEDIT()
 SET WRAP      | Toggle wrapping of the highlights in MENUs
 SETBLINK()    | Toggle asterisk (*) interpretation in SET COLOR
 SETCOLOR()    | Return the current colors and optionally set new colors
 SETCURSOR()   | Set the cursor shape
 SETMODE()     | Change display mode to specified number of rows and columns
 SETPOS()      | Move the cursor to a new position
 TEXT          | Display a literal block of text
 TRANSFORM()   | Convert any value into a formatted character string
 UPDATED()     | Determine if any GET changed during a READ

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