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 TBrowse -- Overview
 Class Functions

 TBrowseNew()      Create a new TBrowse object
 TBrowseDB()       Create a new TBrowse object for browsing a database file
 Exported Instance Variables

 autoLite          Logical value to control highlighting
 cargo             User-definable variable
 colCount          Number of browse columns
 colorSpec         Color table for the TBrowse display
 colPos            Current cursor column position
 colSep            Column separator character
 footSep           Footing separator character
 freeze            Number of columns to freeze
 goBottomBlock     Code block executed by TBrowse:goBottom()
 goTopBlock        Code block executed by TBrowse:goTop()
 headSep           Heading separator character
 hitBottom         Indicates the end of available data
 hitTop            Indicates the beginning of available data
 leftVisible       Indicates position of leftmost unfrozen column in display
 nBottom           Bottom row number for the TBrowse display
 nLeft             Leftmost column for the TBrowse display
 nRight            Rightmost column for the TBrowse display
 nTop              Top row number for the TBrowse display
 rightVisible      Indicates position of rightmost unfrozen column in display
 rowCount          Number of visible data rows in the TBrowse display
 rowPos            Current cursor row position
 skipBlock         Code block used to reposition data source
 stable            Indicates if the TBrowse object is stable
 Exported Methods

 Cursor Movement Methods
 down()            Moves the cursor down one row
 end()             Moves the cursor to the rightmost visible data column
 goBottom()        Repositions the data source to the bottom of file
 goTop()           Repositions the data source to the top of file
 home()            Moves the cursor to the leftmost visible data column
 left()            Moves the cursor left one column
 pageDown()        Repositions the data source downward
 pageUp()          Repositions the data source upward
 panEnd()          Moves the cursor to the rightmost data column
 panHome()         Moves the cursor to the leftmost visible data column
 panLeft()         Pans left without changing the cursor position
 panRight()        Pans right without changing the cursor position
 right()           Moves the cursor right one column
 up()              Moves the cursor up one row

 Miscellaneous Methods
 addColumn()       Adds a TBColumn object to the TBrowse object
 colorRect()       Alters the color of a rectangular group of cells
 colWidth()        Returns the display width of a particular column
 configure()       Reconfigures the internal settings of the TBrowse object
 deHilite()        Dehighlights the current cell
 delColumn()       Delete a column object from a browse
 forceStable()     Performs a full stabilization                             .
 getColumn()       Gets a specific TBColumn object
 hilite()          Highlights the current cell
 insColumn()       Insert a column object in a browse
 invalidate()      Forces redraw during next stabilization
 refreshAll()      Causes all data to be refreshed during the next stabilize
 refreshCurrent()  Causes the current row to be refreshed on next stabilize
 setColumn()       Replaces one TBColumn object with another
 stabilize()       Performs incremental stabilization

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