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 Provides column objects for TBrowse objects

     A TBColumn object is a simple object containing the information needed
     to fully define one data column of a TBrowse object (see the TBrowse
     reference in this chapter).  TBColumn objects have no methods, only
     exported instance variables.


     .  This example is a code fragment that creates a TBrowse object
        and adds some TBColumn objects to it:

        USE Customer NEW

        // Create a new TBrowse object
        objBrowse := TBrowseDB(1, 1, 23, 79)

        // Create some new TBColumn objects and
        // add them to the TBrowse object
        objBrowse:addColumn(TBColumnNew( "Customer", ;
              {|| Customer->Name} ))
        objBrowse:addColumn(TBColumnNew( "Address", ;
              {|| Customer->Address} ))
        objBrowse:addColumn(TBColumnNew( "City", ;
              {|| Customer->City} ))
        . <statements to actually browse the data>
        CLOSE Customer

        For more information on TBrowse, refer to the Introduction to TBrowse
        chapter in the Programming and Utilitites guide.  For a fully
        operational example of a TBrowse object, see also TbDemo.prg located

See Also: BROWSE()* DBEDIT()* TBrowse

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