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 Post a code block to execute when a runtime error occurs

     ERRORBLOCK([<bErrorHandler>]) --> bCurrentErrorHandler


     <bErrorHandler> is the code block to execute whenever a runtime
     error occurs.  When evaluated, the <bErrorHandler> is passed an error
     object as an argument by the system.


     ERRORBLOCK() returns the current error handling code block.  If no error
     handling block has been posted since the program was invoked,
     ERRORBLOCK() returns the default error handling block.


     ERRORBLOCK() is an error function that defines an error handler to
     execute whenever a runtime error occurs.  Specify the error handler as a
     code block with the following form:

     { |<objError>| <expression list>,... }

     Where <objError> is an error object containing information about the
     error.  Within the code block, messages can be sent to the error object
     to obtain information about the error.  Returning true (.T.) from the
     error handling block retries the failed operation and false (.F.)
     resumes processing.

     The error handling code block can be specified either as a list of
     expressions or as a call to a user-defined function.  A call to a
     user-defined function is more useful since you can use CA-Clipper
     control statements instead of expressions.  This is particularly the
     case if there is a BEGIN SEQUENCE pending and you want to BREAK to the
     nearest RECOVER statement.

     As this implies, error handling blocks can be used in combination with
     BEGIN SEQUENCE...END control structures.  Within an error handling
     block, you handle device, low-level, and common errors that have a
     general recovery mechanism.  If the operation needs specific error
     handling, define a BEGIN SEQUENCE then BREAK to the RECOVER statement,
     returning the error object for local processing.  See the example below.

     If no <bErrorHandler> has been specified using ERRORBLOCK() and a
     runtime error occurs, the default error handling block is evaluated.
     This error handler displays a descriptive message to the screen, sets
     the ERRORLEVEL() to 1, then QUITs the program.

     Since ERRORBLOCK() returns the current error handling block, it is
     possible to specify an error handling block for an operation saving the
     current error handling block, then restore it after the operation has
     completed.  Also, error handlers specified as code blocks, can be passed
     to procedures and user-defined functions, and RETURNed as values.

     For more information on the structure and operations of error objects,
     refer to the Error class entry in this chapter and the Error Handling
     Strategies chapter in the Programming and Utilities guide.


     .  This code fragment posts, then calls an error handling block
        when there is an error within a BEGIN SEQUENCE construct:

        LOCAL bErrorHandler, bLastHandler, objErr
        bErrorHandler := { |objError| ;
              MyErrorHandler(objError) }
        // Save current handler
        bLastHandler := ERRORBLOCK(bErrorHandler)
           . <operation statements>
        // Receive error object from BREAK
        RECOVER USING objErrorInfo
           . <recovery statements>
        ERRORBLOCK(bLastHandler)   // Restore handler

        FUNCTION MyErrorHandler( objError )
           BREAK objError          // Return error object to RECOVER
           RETURN NIL

 Files:  Library is CLIPPER.LIB.


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