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 Return the result of an expression based on a condition

     [I]IF(<lCondition>, <expTrue>, <expFalse>) --> Value


     <lCondition> is a logical expression to be evaluated.

     <expTrue> is the value, a condition-expression, of any data type,
     returned if <lCondition> is true (.T.).

     <expFalse> is the value, of any date type, returned if <lCondition>
     is false (.F.).  This argument need not be the same data type as


     IF() returns the evaluation of <expTrue> if <lCondition> evaluates to
     true (.T.) and <expFalse> if it evaluates to false (.F.).  The value
     returned is the data type of the valid condition-expression.


     IF() is a logical conversion function.  It is one of the most powerful
     and versatile functions in CA-Clipper.  It provides a mechanism to
     evaluate a condition within an expression.  With this ability you can
     convert a logical expression to another data type.


     .  This example converts a logical data value to a numeric data

        lPaid = .T.
        ? IF(lPaid, 1, 0)               // Result: 1

     .  In this example a logical field is formatted depending on
        whether the Customer is past due or not:

        @ ROW() + 1, 25 SAY IF(lPaid, SPACE(10), "Go get 'em")

     .  If you are printing forms, you can print an indicating symbol
        in different columns depending on the value of a logical field:

        @ ROW(), IF(InHospital, 10, 12) SAY "X"

     .  You can also use IF() to force the LABEL FORM to print blank
        lines.  Enter the following expression when you create the label with

        IF(EMPTY(Company), CHR(255), Company)

 Files:  Library is CLIPPER.LIB.

See Also: DO CASE IF

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