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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Guide to Clip-4-Win version 3.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 A2Bin()                Convert a Clipper array to binary
 AnsiToOem()            Convert a string from the Windows character set to DOS
 Bin2A()                Convert binary data to a Clipper array
 C4WVersion()           Return the version of Clip-4-Win as a string
 C4W_And()              Return the bitwise AND of two or more numbers
 C4W_HiWord()           Return the high word of a long number
 C4W_LoWord()           Return the low word of a long number
 C4W_Not()              Return the bitwise inverse of a number
 C4W_Or()               Return the bitwise OR of two or more numbers
 C4W_Peek()             Return an area of memory
 C4W_Poke()             Change the contents of an area of memory
 GetKeyboardType()      Return information about the keyboard
 GetModuleFileName()    Get the full path of an executable file
 GetOpenFileName()      Get the name of a file to open from a dialog with the user
 GetProfInt()           Return an integer from an entry in WIN.INI
 GetProfString()        Return a string from an entry in WIN.INI
 GetPvProfInt()         Return an integer from an entry in an application's initialisation file
 GetPvProfString()      Return a string from an entry in an application's initialisation file
 GetSaveFileName()      Get the name of a file to save into, from a dialog with the user
 GetSystemDirectory()   Returns the path of the Windows system directory
 GetSystemMetrics()     Return information about part of Windows
 GetTabbedTextExtent()  Return the width and height of a string using the current font
 GetTempDrive()         Return the letter of a drive for temporary files
 GetTickCount()         Retrieve the number of milliseconds since Windows was started
 GetVersion()           Return the version numbers of Windows and DOS
 GetWindowLong()        Return a long (32-bit) value from a window structure
 GetWindowsDirectory()  Return the path of the Windows directory
 GetWindowWord()        Return a word value from a window structure
 GetWinFlags()          Return information about the Windows system
 MessageBeep()          Sound a tone
 OemToAnsi()            Convert a string from the PC (DOS) character set to Windows
 SetHandleCount()       Set the number of available file handles
 SetWindowLong()        Set a long (32-bit) value into a window structure
 SetWindowWord()        Set a word (16-bit) value into a window structure
 WinExec()              Run a program
 WinHelp()              Start Windows Help
 WriteProfString()      Write a string into an entry in WIN.INI
 WritePvProfString()    Write a string into an entry in an application's initialisation file

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