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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Guide to Clip-4-Win version 3.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 BringWindowToTop()     Brings a window to the top
 C4W_AutoClose()        Enable/disable automatic closing of windows
 CallWindowProc()       Pass a message to a window procedure
 ClientToScreen()       Convert a point from client co-ordinates to screen co-ordinates
 CloseWindow()          Converts a window to an icon
 CreateWindow()         Create a new overlapped, pop-up, or child window
 DefFrameProc()         Pass a message to the default MDI frame window procedure
 DefMDIChildProc()      Pass a message to the default MDI child window procedure
 DefWindowProc()        Pass a message to the default window procedure
 DestroyWindow()        Destroy a window and free its resources
 EnableWindow()         Enable/disable keyboard and mouse input for a window
 FindWindow()           Find a window by name
 GetClientRect()        Return the client co-ordinates of a window
 GetDesktopWindow()     Return the handle of the desktop window
 GetFocus()             Return the handle to the window with the input focus
 GetWindow()            Return a related window
 GetWindowLong()        Return a long (32-bit) value from a window structure
 GetWindowText()        Return the title of a window or the text within a control
 GetWindowWord()        Return a word value from a window structure
 IsChild()              Determine whether a window is a child or descendant of another window
 IsIconic()             Determine if a window is currently minimised (an icon)
 IsWindow()             Determine whether a window handle is valid
 IsWindowEnabled()      Determine whether keyboard and mouse input are enabled for a window
 IsWindowVisible()      Determine whether a window is considered visible
 IsZoomed()             Determine whether a window is maximised
 MessageBox()           Create, display, and activate a modal message-box window
 MoveWindow()           Change the position and/or size of a window
 OpenIcon()             Restore and activate a minimised window
 ScreenToClient()       Convert a point's screen co-ordinates to client co-ordinates
 ScrollWindow()         Scroll a window up/down left/right
 SelectWindow()         Select or determine the current window
 SetFocus()             Set the window with the input focus
 SetWindowLong()        Set a long (32-bit) value into a window structure
 SetWindowText()        Set the title of a window or the text within a control
 SetWindowWord()        Set a word (16-bit) value into a window structure
 ShowWindow()           Set the manner in which a window is displayed
 SubClassWindow()       Intercept messages on their way to a window procedure
 UpdateWindow()         Ensure any pending changes to the client area are made
 WinSetup()             Register a new window class and create a window

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