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Functions in LISTBOX.PRG (and CLIP4WIN.LIB)
  LBAddString()           add a new string to the list box
  LBDeleteString()        deletes a string from the list box
  LBDir()                 add a list of filenames to the list box
  LBFindString()          find a string in the list box
  LBFindStrExact()        find a string in the list box
  LBGetCount()            returns the number of items in the list box
  LBGetCurSel()           the position of the currently selected item
  LBGetItemRect()         returns the screen co-ordinates of the rectangle
                          that bounds an item
  LBGetSel()              returns the selection status of an item
  LBGetText()             returns a line from within the list box
  LBGetTextLen()          returns the length of a line in the list box
  LBInsertString()        insert a new string in the list box
  LBResetContent()        empty the list box
  LBSelectString()        find and select a string in the list box
  LBSetCurSel()           sets the position of the currently selected item
  LBSetSel()              sets whether a string is selected in a multiple-
                          selection list box
  LBSetTabStops()         set tab stop positions

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