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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Guide to Clip-4-Win version 3.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 A2Bin()                Convert a Clipper array to binary
 AbortDoc()             Abort (terminate) a print job
 AddAtom()              Add an atom to the application's atom table
 AddHandler()           Add an event handler to the event processing array
 AnsiToOem()            Convert a string from the Windows character set to DOS
 AppendDialog()         Appends a new item to a dialog
 AppendMenu()           Add a menu item to a menu
 Arc()                  Draw an elliptical arc
 BeginPaint()           Start handling the WM_PAINT message
 Bin2A()                Convert binary data to a Clipper array
 BitBlt()               Copy a bitmap from one device context to another
 BringWindowToTop()     Brings a window to the top
 C4WVersion()           Return the version of Clip-4-Win as a string
 C4W_And()              Return the bitwise AND of two or more numbers
 C4W_AutoClose()        Enable/disable automatic closing of windows
 C4W_Colors()           Return the RGB values for the Clipper colour setting
 C4W_HiWord()           Return the high word of a long number
 C4W_LoWord()           Return the low word of a long number
 C4W_Not()              Return the bitwise inverse of a number
 C4W_Or()               Return the bitwise OR of two or more numbers
 C4W_Peek()             Return an area of memory
 C4W_Poke()             Change the contents of an area of memory
 C4W_SetFont()          Get/set the font for Clipper output
 CallDLL()              Call a function in a dynamic link library
 CallWindowProc()       Pass a message to a window procedure
 CheckDlgButton()       Add/remove a check mark for a dialog button or check box
 CheckMenuItem()        Add/remove a check mark for a pop-up menu item
 CheckRadioButton()     Add a check mark to a radio button in a group and clear the others
 ChkEvent()             Check for a new event
 ChooseColor()          Get the user to select a colour
 ChooseFont()           Get the user to select a font
 Chord()                Draw a chord
 ClientToScreen()       Convert a point from client co-ordinates to screen co-ordinates
 CloseClipboard()       Release ownership of the clipboard
 CloseMetaFile()        Close a metafile device context and return a metafile handle
 CloseWindow()          Converts a window to an icon
 CopyMetaFile()         Copy a metafile
 CountClipbFormats()    Return the number of different data formats in the clipboard
 CreateCursor()         Makes a user-specified new cursor
 CreateDC()             Create a device context
 CreateDialog()         Make a new dialog structure, or start a modeless dialog
 CreateFont()           Makes a new font
 CreateHatchBrush()     Create a brush with a hatched pattern and colour
 CreateIcon()           Makes a new icon
 CreateMenu()           Create a new menu structure
 CreateMetaFile()       Create a metafile device context
 CreatePatternBrush()   Create a brush with a pattern specified by a bitmap
 CreatePen()            Create a pen with a specified style, width and colour
 CreatePopupMenu()      Create a new pop-up menu structure
 CreateSolidBrush()     Create a brush with a solid colour
 CreateWindow()         Create a new overlapped, pop-up, or child window
 DDEAdvise()            Ask to be advised about changes to a DDE data item
 DDEExecute()           Ask a DDE server to execute commands
 DDEGetData()           Get a DDE data item
 DDEPoke()              Send a DDE data item to a DDE server
 DDERequest()           Request the current value of a DDE data item
 DDEStart()             Start a DDE conversation
 DDEStop()              Stop a DDE conversation
 DDEUnAdvise()          Turn off being advised about changes to a DDE data item
 DefDlgProc()           Pass a message to the default dialog procedure
 DefFrameProc()         Pass a message to the default MDI frame window procedure
 DefMDIChildProc()      Pass a message to the default MDI child window procedure
 DefWindowProc()        Pass a message to the default window procedure
 DeleteAtom()           Delete an atom from the application's atom table
 DeleteDC()             Delete a device context and free its resources
 DeleteMenu()           Delete an item from a menu
 DeleteMetaFile()       Delete a metafile's in-memory resources
 DeleteObject()         Delete a GDI object and free its resources
 DelHandler()           Remove an event handler from the event processing array
 DestroyCursor()        Destroy a cursor and free its resources
 DestroyIcon()          Destroy an icon and free its resources
 DestroyMenu()          Destroy a menu and free its resources
 DestroyWindow()        Destroy a window and free its resources
 DialogBox()            Display and activate a modal dialog from a dialog resource
 DispatchMessage()      Dispatch a message to the appropriate window procedure
 DragAcceptFiles()      Registers whether a window accepts dropped files
 DragFinish()           Finish dropping files
 DragQueryFile()        Returns the file name of a dropped file
 DragQueryPoint()       Returns the mouse position when a file is dropped
 DrawIcon()             Draw an icon on a specified device
 DrawMenuBar()          Re-draw a window's menu bar
 DrawText()             Output a character string in a rectangular area
 Ellipse()              Draw an ellipse
 EmptyClipboard()       Empty the clipboard and become its owner
 EnableMenuItem()       Enable, disable or gray (dim) a menu item
 EnableWindow()         Enable/disable keyboard and mouse input for a window
 EndDialog()            Terminate a modal dialog
 EndDoc()               End a print job
 EndPage()              End a page on the printer
 EndPaint()             Finish handling the WM_PAINT message
 EnumClipbFormats()     Return the known clipboard formats one by one
 Event()                Return the most recent event
 FillRect()             Fill a rectangle using a specified brush
 FindAtom()             Find an atom in the application's atom table
 FindResource()         Find a resource in a resource file
 FindWindow()           Find a window by name
 FloodFill()            Fill a screen area with a colour
 FrameRect()            Draw a border around a rectangle using a specified brush
 FreeLibrary()          Free a library (DLL)
 FreeResource()         Free a resource
 GetAtomName()          Get the name of an atom in the application's atom table
 GetBkColor()           Get the current background colour
 GetBkMode()            Get the current background mode
 GetBValue()            Return the blue component of a colour
 GetCaretBlinkTime()    Returns the blink rate of the caret in milliseconds
 GetCaretX()            Get the x-position of the caret
 GetCaretY()            Get the y-position of the caret
 GetClientRect()        Return the client co-ordinates of a window
 GetClipbData()         Get data from the clipboard
 GetClipbFormatName()   Return the name of a registered clipboard format
 GetClipbOwner()        Return the handle of the window that owns the clipboard
 GetClipbViewer()       Return the handle of the first window in the clipboard-viewer chain
 GetDC()                Get access to a window for drawing purposes
 GetDesktopWindow()     Return the handle of the desktop window
 GetDeviceCaps()        Return information about a device
 GetDialogBaseUnits()   Return the dialog base units used when creating dialog boxes
 GetDialogResult()      Return a result from a dialog with the user
 GetDIBRect()           Return the  co-ordinates of a device-independent bitmap
 GetDlgCtrlID()         Get the numeric id of a child window
 GetDlgItem()           Get the handle of a control in a dialog box
 GetDlgItmInt()         Get the numeric value of the text in a control in a dialog box
 GetDlgItmText()        Get the text in a control in a dialog box
 GetFocus()             Return the handle to the window with the input focus
 GetGValue()            Return the green component of a colour
 GetKeyboardType()      Return information about the keyboard
 GetMenu()              Return a reference to an existing menu
 GetMenuBlock()         Return a menu item's code block
 GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions()  the width & height of the default check mark bitmap
 GetMenuHandle()        Return the menu handle of a menu
 GetMenuId()            Return the id of a menu item
 GetMenuItemCount()     Return the number of items in a menu
 GetMenuState()         Return the current state of a menu item
 GetMenuString()        Return a menu item's label (or prompt)
 GetMessage()           Get a message from Windows
 GetMetaFile()          Get a handle to a disk metafile
 GetMFBits()            Returns a memory handle for a metafile
 GetModuleFileName()    Get the full path of an executable file
 GetNearestColor()      Return the closest colour a device can show
 GetObject()            Return information about a GDI object
 GetOpenFileName()      Get the name of a file to open from a dialog with the user
 GetPixel()             Return the colour of a pixel
 GetPolyFillMode()      Return the mode used for polygon filling
 GetPrintDC()           Get access to a printer for drawing purposes
 GetProcAddress()       Get access information for a function in a DLL
 GetProfInt()           Return an integer from an entry in WIN.INI
 GetProfString()        Return a string from an entry in WIN.INI
 GetPvProfInt()         Return an integer from an entry in an application's initialisation file
 GetPvProfString()      Return a string from an entry in an application's initialisation file
 GetROP2()              Get the current drawing mode
 GetRValue()            Return the red component of a colour
 GetSaveFileName()      Get the name of a file to save into, from a dialog with the user
 GetScrollPos()         Return the scroll box position
 GetStockObject()       Get a pre-defined GDI brush, pen, font, or palette
 GetSysColor()          Return the colour of a Windows display element
 GetSystemDirectory()   Returns the path of the Windows system directory
 GetSystemMetrics()     Return information about part of Windows
 GetTabbedTextExtent()  Return the width and height of a string using the current font
 GetTempDrive()         Return the letter of a drive for temporary files
 GetTextColor()         Return the current colour used when text is output
 GetTextExtent()        Return the width and height of a string using the current font
 GetTextMetrics()       Get the metrics for the current font
 GetTickCount()         Retrieve the number of milliseconds since Windows was started
 GetVersion()           Return the version numbers of Windows and DOS
 GetWindow()            Return a related window
 GetWindowLong()        Return a long (32-bit) value from a window structure
 GetWindowsDirectory()  Return the path of the Windows directory
 GetWindowText()        Return the title of a window or the text within a control
 GetWindowWord()        Return a word value from a window structure
 GetWinFlags()          Return information about the Windows system
 GlobalAddAtom()        Add an atom to the Windows system atom table
 GlobalDeleteAtom()     Delete an atom from the Windows system atom table
 GlobalFindAtom()       Find an atom in the Windows system atom table
 GlobalGetAtomName()    Get the name of an atom in the system atom table
 HandleEvent()          Process a Windows event with the event array
 HideCaret()            Make sure the caret is not displayed
 HiliteMenuItem()       Alter the highlighting on a menu bar item
 InsertMenu()           Insert a menu item into a menu
 InvalidateRect()       Force a rectangular area to be redrawn
 InvertRect()           Invert the pixels in a rectangular area
 IsChild()              Determine whether a window is a child or descendant of another window
 IsClipbFormatAvailable()Determine whether data exists in a specified clipboard format
 IsDialogMessage()      Return whether a message was handled in a dialog-like manner
 IsDialogOK()           Check whether the GETs in a dialog can be exited
 IsDlgButtonChecked()   Return the status of a dialog button or check box
 IsIconic()             Determine if a window is currently minimised (an icon)
 IsWindow()             Determine whether a window handle is valid
 IsWindowEnabled()      Determine whether keyboard and mouse input are enabled for a window
 IsWindowVisible()      Determine whether a window is considered visible
 IsZoomed()             Determine whether a window is maximised
 KillTimer()            Remove a timer for a window
 LineTo()               Draw a line from the current position to the specified position
 LoadAccelerators()     Load an accelerator table resource
 LoadBitmap()           Load a standard Windows bitmap or a bitmap resource
 LoadCursor()           Load a standard Windows cursor or a cursor resource
 LoadIcon()             Load a standard Windows icon or an icon resource
 LoadLibrary()          Load a library (DLL)
 LoadResource()         Load a resource into global memory
 LoadString()           Load a string resource
 MapDialogRect()        Convert dialog co-ordinates to screen (pixel) co-ordinates
 MessageBeep()          Sound a tone
 MessageBox()           Create, display, and activate a modal message-box window
 ModalDialog()          Display and activate a modal dialog box
 MouseCol()             Return the column position of a mouse click
 MouseRow()             Return the row position of a mouse click
 MouseX()               Return the x-position of a mouse click
 MouseY()               Return the y-position of a mouse click
 MoveTo()               Move to the specified position
 MoveWindow()           Change the position and/or size of a window
 OemToAnsi()            Convert a string from the PC (DOS) character set to Windows
 OpenClipboard()        Get ownership of the clipboard
 OpenIcon()             Restore and activate a minimised window
 PatBlt()               Create/copy a bitmap pattern
 PeekMessage()          Check for a message from Windows
 Pie()                  Draw a pie-shaped wedge
 PlayMetaFile()         Play a metafile on a device
 Polygon()              Draw a closed polygon
 PolyLine()             Draw a series of connected lines
 PostMessage()          Place a message in a window's message queue
 PostQuitMessage()      Place the quit message in an application's message queue
 PrintDlg()             Set up printer and print job information
 ReadDIB()              Read a device-independent bitmap from a file
 Rectangle()            Draw a rectangle
 RegClipbFormat()       Register a new clipboard format
 RegisterClass()        Inform Windows of a new window class
 ReleaseCapture()       Stop capturing all mouse input
 ReleaseDC()            Release access to a device for drawing purposes
 RGB()                  Mix a colour from red, green and blue components
 RoundRect()            Draw a rectangle with rounded corners

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