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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! The Guide to Clip-4-Win version 3.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 ScreenToClient()       Convert a point's screen co-ordinates to client co-ordinates
 ScrollWindow()         Scroll a window up/down left/right
 SelectObject()         Select an object for drawing functions
 SelectWindow()         Select or determine the current window
 SendDlgItemMessage()   Send a message to a control in a dialog box
 SendMessage()          Send a message to a window
 SetAccelerator()       Use an accelerator table
 SetBkColor()           Set the current background colour
 SetBkMode()            Set the current background mode
 SetBrushOrg()          Set the origin that will be used for a brush in a device context
 SetCapture()           Set the window to capture all mouse input
 SetCaret()             Sets the shape of the caret
 SetCaretBlinkTime()    Sets the blink rate of the caret in milliseconds
 SetCaretPos()          Set the x-y position of the caret
 SetClipbData()         Put data into the clipboard
 SetCursor()            Select a new mouse cursor
 SetDlgItem()           Set the text in a control in a dialog box
 SetFocus()             Set the window with the input focus
 SetHandleCount()       Set the number of available file handles
 SetMenu()              Set a window's menu
 SetMenuItemBitmaps()   Set bitmaps for checked/unchecked menu items
 SetPixel()             Set the colour of a pixel
 SetPolyFillMode()      Set the mode used for polygon filling
 SetROP2()              Set the current drawing mode
 SetScrollPos()         Set the scroll box position
 SetScrollRange()       Set the minimum and maximum limits of a scroll bar
 SetTextColor()         Set the current colour used when text is output
 SetTimer()             Start a timer for a window
 SetWindowLong()        Set a long (32-bit) value into a window structure
 SetWindowText()        Set the title of a window or the text within a control
 SetWindowWord()        Set a word (16-bit) value into a window structure
 ShowCaret()            Show the caret on the screen
 ShowCursor()           Show or hide the mouse cursor
 ShowDIB()              Output a device-independent bitmap
 ShowWindow()           Set the manner in which a window is displayed
 SizeofResource()       Return the size of a resource
 StartDoc()             Start a print job
 StartPage()            Start a new page on the printer
 StretchDIBits()        Stretch/shrink a device-independent bitmap
 SubClassWindow()       Intercept messages on their way to a window procedure
 TabbedTextOut()        Output a tabbed string at a specified position
 TextOut()              Output a character string at a specified position
 TrackPopupMenu()       Display and activate a floating pop-up menu
 TranslateAccelerator() Try to translate a keyboard message as an accelerator
 TranslateMessage()     Translate a keyboard message
 TranslMDISysAccel()    Try to translate a keyboard message as an MDI accelerator
 UnrealizeObject()      Reset the origin of a brush or reset a logical palette
 UnregisterClass()      Remove a Windows window class and free its resources
 UpdateWindow()         Ensure any pending changes to the client area are made
 ValidateRect()         Mark a rectangular area as not needing to be redrawn
 WinExec()              Run a program
 WinHelp()              Start Windows Help
 WinSetup()             Register a new window class and create a window
 WriteProfString()      Write a string into an entry in WIN.INI
 WritePvProfString()    Write a string into an entry in an application's initialisation file

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