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 C_GETTEXT() allows data input and editing of a character string,
 controlling all navigational keys.  The length of the input area
 can be specified and the string can be scrolled left and right in
 the input area.


 C_GETTEXT(row, col, string [,color] [,scroll_len])


 row (N) is the starting row for the input area.

 col (N) is the starting column for the input area.

 string (C) is the character string variable to place the data
 entered by the user.  If string contains data, the data will be
 displayed on the screen and the user can edit the data.  If string
 contains spaces, an empty block will be displayed using the color
 variable, if specified.

 color (C/N) is the color to display for the input area and
 character colors.  The color argument can be specified as either a
 dBASE/Clipper color string or numeric color code (see Appendix E).
 If color is not specified, the default color of black on white is used.

 scroll_len (N) is the width of the input area if the character
 string is too long to fit in the desired input area.  If scroll_len
 is specified, the contents of string that can not fit in the input
 area will not be displayed.  However, C_GETTEXT() allows the
 character string to be scrolled left and right, using the arrow
 keys, to provide a method of editing a long string.

 The following are the keys controlled by C_GETTEXT() and their

 KEY              ACTION
 ---              ------
 ENTER            Exit, return 13
 ESC              Exit, return 27
 HOME             Move cursor to first character
 END              Move cursor to last character
 PGUP             Exit, return 273
 PGDN             Exit, return 281
 UP-ARROW         Exit, return 272
 DN-ARROW         Exit, return 280
 RT-ARROW         Move cursor right one character
 LT-ARROW         Move cursor left one character
 CTRL-RT-ARROW    Move cursor right one word
 CTRL-LT-ARROW    Move cursor left one word
 SPACE            Space over/move right one character (unless INS mode)
 BACKSPACE        Space over and move left one character
 INSERT           Toggle INS (insert) mode on and off
 DELETE           Delete character where cursor is positioned
 FUNCTION KEYS    Exit, return key code for function key pressed


 C_GETTEXT() returns the last key pressed to exit the function as a
 C_KEYCODE() value.  (Refer to Appendix B for a complete list of
 C_KEYCODE() values.)

 Note that the data entry string, and any modifications made by the
 user, are accessed by the same variable name originally passed to
 the function by the string argument.


 str1 = space(25)

 && Display a 25 character data entry area

 key = c_gettext(10,1,str1,"W/R")
 && Display a 35 character data entry area and let the rest
 && of str1 scroll left and right in area

 str1 = space(150)
 ans = c_gettext(5,0,str1,"W+/B",35)
 && Display a 15 character data entry area and let str1 be;
 && edited.  The rest of str1 will scroll left and right

 str1 = "Allow this string to be updated" + space(9)
 key = c_gettext(10,1,str1,31,15)


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