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c4atod( (char *) str, (int) len_str )
c4atoi( (char *) str, (int) len_str )
c4atol( (char *) str, (int) len_str )
c4dtoa( (double) doub_value, (int) len, (int) dec )
c4dt_julian( (char *) dbf_date, (double *) index_date )
c4dt_format( (char *) dbf_date, (char *) picture )
c4dt_str( (char *) dbf_date, (double *) index_date )
c4dt_unformat( (char *) date_data, (char *) picture )
c4encode( (char *) to, (char *) from, (char *) t_to, (char *) t_from )
c4ltoa( (long) long_value, (char *) result_ptr, (int) result_len )
c4trim_n( (char *) str, (int) n_ch )

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