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Syntax:     DISKTOTAL(<expC>)

Arguments:  <expC> denotes the drive on which to determine the storage

Returns:    A numeric value.
            The total capacity of the specified drive.

Usage:      With DISKTOTAL() it is possible to determine whether the
            capacity of the diskette used is sufficient for a back-up.  The
            advantage, compared to working out the used capacity
            arithmetically as the program runs, is that any faulty sectors
            will be detected by DISKTOTAL() and not included in the

Notes:      The function defaults to the current drive selected if the
            <expC> is not passed.

Library:    CT1.LIB

--------------------------------- Example ------------------------------

Examples:   required = DBFSIZE()
            IF DISKTOTAL("A") < required
               ? "Error! Capacity of diskette is insufficient."

See Also: DISKFREE()

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