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 Introduction        Introduction to video functions
 CLEAREOL()          Erase specified line
 CLEARWIN()          Erase defined screen area
 CLEOL()             Erase line
 CLWIN()             Erase window
 COLORREPL()         Change colors
 COLORTON()          Change color to numeric value
 COLORWIN()          Replace window attributes
 FILESCREEN()        Display a screen
 GETCLEARA()         Define Clipper Tools functions
 GETCLEARB()         Define Clipper Tools functions
 INVERTATTR()        Exchange screen attributes
 ISEGA()             Check EGA installation
 ISHERCULES()        Check Hercules installation
 MAXCOL()            Check screen width
 MAXROW()            Check lines
 NTOCOLOR()          Convert color to alphanumeric data
 NUMCOL()            Set screen width
 SAYSCREEN()         Produce screen output
 SCREENATTR()        Supply screen attributes from line
 SCREENFILE()        Store screens to file
 SCREENMIX()         Mix character and attribute strings
 SCREENSIZE()        Determine screen size in bytes
 SCREENSTR()         Copy screen/window into variable
 SETCLEARA()         Set default Tools attributes
 SETCLEARB()         Set default Tools erasure characters
 SETRC()             Set values for line/column
 STRSCREEN()         Put variable to screen
 VIDEOSETUP()        Return switch settings

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