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dbAct2Kbd()      Simulates the pressure of a key
dbAct2Ksc()      Returns the SCAN CODE associated to a given action
dbAct2Mne()      Returns a message associated with an action
dbActState()     Modify the state of one action
dbAskW()         Asks a question to the user
dbDeState()      Returns the Data-Entry status
dbFrameArr()     Returns the internal array of the FRAME
dbFrameBox()     Displays a character string in a Frame
dbFrameClear()   Clears the FRAME contents
dbFrameCol()     Returns the color of the SAY for the FRAME
dbFrameDis()     Displays a string in the FRAME
dbFrameLine()    Displays a line in a FRAME
dbFrameOff()     Removes the current FRAME
dbFrameOn()      Opens a Frame Window on the screen
dbFramePro()     Update with a progressbar a FRAME
dbFrameTit()     Changes the title of the active FRAME window
dbFrameUpd()     Updates the FRAME current line
dbInk()          Returns the pressed key
dbKsc2Act()      Returns a scan code action
dbMne2Act()      Returns the action associated with a message
dbMsgErr()       Displays an error message
dbMsgOff()       Removes a message from the screen
dbMsgOn()        Displays a message
dbMsgSound()     Display an error message without button
dbMsgUpd()       Updates a displayed message
dbMsgW()         Displays a message in a BOX
dbNgSay()        Permit the display of text with a NG style
dbScrBlank()     Delete a SAVESCREEN in the internal stack
dbScrDel()       Removes a screen from the SCREENSTACK
dbScrLab()       Creates a free label in SCREENSTACK
dbScrNum()       Returns the number of the active dbScrSav
dbScrRes()       Restores a saved screen
dbScrResDel()    Restores a saved screen and destroy the stack
dbScrSav()       Saves a screen on the SCREENSTACK
dbZoom()         Displays a Box with a Zoom effect
ddde()           Call an AUTOMATIC data entry on the current file
ddFileStat()     Statistic scan
ddkey()          Call the search KEY on the current file
ddWin()          Creates an automatic window on an application file
df9BitFont()     Set all the fonts like 9 bits fonts
dfAlert()        Creates an ALERT in dBsee style
dfAliveGet()     Displays a get with a star cursor
dfArrWin()       Creates a Window on an array
dfArrWinA()      Returns the array that processes the current dfArrWin()
dfAutoForm()     Creates an automatic Form
dfBackGraph()    Prepares the background for a graph
dfBkg()          Paint the background wall paper
dfBox()          Display a Box
dfCalc()         Activates the calculator
dfCalendar()     Call the calendar
dfCfgPal()       Change the default color of the palettes
dfClsRGB()       Clears the screen and resets its colors
dfCngAtr()       Changes the attribute of a screen section
dfCol2Num()      Converts a color into a BIOS number
dfDacBlue()      Reads the Blue component from the DAC register
dfDacChoise()    Change the palette setting
dfDacGreen()     Reads the Green component from the DAC register
dfDacRed()       Reads the Red component from the DAC register
dfDacRest()      Restores the DAC colors from a buffer
dfDacSave()      Fills a buffer with DAC colors
dfDacSet()       Sets a single DAC register
dfDraw()         Draws a line in graphic mode
dfFadeIn()       Perform a FADEIN effect
dfFadeOut()      Perform a FADEOUT effect
dfFileDlg()      Call a form to searh a file
dfFill()         Defines a background brush inside a Box
dfFontAdd()      Adds a gadget to the internal stack.
dfFontChoice()   Selects a font among those installed
dfFontCng()      Redefines a single character
dfFontDisk()     Loads a FONT from the disk.
dfFontLoad()     Defines a new font
dfFontMod()      Modifies a gedget string in the internal array
dfFontRest()     Restores the standard font
dfFontStr()      Returns the string which compose a gadget
dfFontVal()      Returns the forming characters of a control
dfGet()          Performs a get on the screen
dfGetPalette()   Return value of all palette
dfGetPwd()       Performs a get of a password
dfGetW()         Performs a get within a box
dfGraph()        Designs a 3D graphic in page graphics
dfGraph3()       Designs a 3D Graphic in page graphics
dfGrfBar()       Designs an object on a graphic page
dfGrfBox()       Display a Graphic box on the screen
dfGrfCircle()    Design a circle on a graphic page
dfGrfLegend()    Design a point legend on a graphic page
dfGrfSay()       Displays a string in graphic mode
dfHlpSet()       Set the help code of the program
dfHorBar()       Draws an horizontal scroll bar
dfInkey()        Extended Inkey
dfIntCs()        Returns the internal font of the application
dfIntCs50()      Returns internal 50 lines FONT of the application
dfIntCS501()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 1 of the application
dfIntCS502()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 2 of the application
dfIntCS503()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 3 of the application
dfIntCS504()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 4 of the application
dfIntCS505()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 5 of the application
dfIntCS506()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 6 of the application
dfIntCS507()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 7 of the application
dfIntCS508()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 8 of the application
dfIntCS509()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 9 of the application
dfIntCS510()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 10 of the application
dfIntCS511()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 11 of the application
dfIntCS512()     Returns internal 50 lines FONT 12 of the application
dfIsInMemo()     Function to support the memo
dfIsVesa()       Checks installation of driver VESA VGA
dfKeyPres()      Verifies if an extended key was pressed
dfLoadRaw()      Load and display a .RAW image
dfMemo()         Memo management
dfMemoWri()      Saves a Memo on the disk
dfMemStatus()    Display the memory status
dfMenu()         Activates a menu defined by dfMenuAdd()
dfMenuAct()      Returns the menu label associated with a given hot key
dfMenuAdd()      Adds a label to a menu
dfMenuBlock()    Returns the CodeBlock associated with a Menu label
dfMenuEval()     Executes the menu Code Blocks
dfMenuSay()      Prints the first line of a menu
dfMenuScan()     Looks for a menu label at a given coordinate
dfMenuSCut()     Returns the label associated with a given shortcut
dfModGrf()       Sets the graphic mode
dfMsgRol()       Permits the display a scrolling line of text
dfMsgRolC()      Display a centered string with a animation slide
dfMsgRolR()      Display a string with right side sliding animation
dfNum2Col()      Converts a BIOS color into a Clipper color
dfPalette()      Sets the DOS palette
dfPIOff()        Closes the last opened progress indicator
dfPIOn()         Activates a Progress Indicator
dfPIStep()       Updates a Progress Indicator
dfPlot()         Displays a graphic pixel
dfPopAct()       Restores ACT, SA and A as previously saved
dfPopCursor()    Restores the values saved by dfPushCursor
dfPro()          Displays a scroll bar
dfPushAct()      Saves the ACT, SA and A current values
dfPushCursor()   Saves the current cursor position and color
dfReader()       Get reader
dfRestScre()     RESTORE SCREEN with effect
dfSay()          Displays a string on the screen
dfSayBorder()    Displays a BOX using redefined characters
dfSayBox()       Displays a raised box.
dfSayBut()       Displays a pushbutton
dfSayCtr()       Displays a line in the middle of the screen
dfScr2Fle()      Saves on a file a screen section
dfScrSav1()      Default SCREEN SAVER
dfScrSav10()     SCREEN SAVER with sky
dfScrSav11()     SCREEN SAVER with jumping screens
dfScrSav12()     SCREEN SAVER with smothing text
dfScrSav13()     SCREEN SAVER with the effect of stains of color
dfScrSav14()     Very nice SCREEN SAVER
dfScrSav15()     SCREEN SAVER with effect of rain
dfScrSav16()     SCREEN SAVER with a flowing notice
dfScrSav2()      SCREEN SAVER with right-angled bounce
dfScrSav3()      A New SCREEN SAVER for dBsee application
dfScrSav4()      A New SCREEN SAVER for dBsee application
dfScrSav5()      A New SCREEN SAVER for dBsee application. Flying Disk
dfScrSav6()      A New SCREEN SAVER for dBsee application. Round
dfScrSav7()      A New SCREEN SAVER for dBsee application. Fire
dfScrSav8()      A New SCREEN SAVER for dBsee application. Bobs
dfScrSav9()      SCREEN SAVER with colored text
dfScrSaver()     Activate the SCREEN SAVER
dfScrSavRnd()    Call a SCREEN SAVER with random choice
dfSetEGA()       Set the EGA mode 640x350x16
dfSetVGA()       Set the VGA mode 640x480x16
dfSetVGA256()    Set the VGA mode 320x200x256
dfShade()        Draws a shadow
dfStdMsg()       Returns the application's messages
dfTabDe()        Standard data-entry on table files
dfTimer()        Display a timer
dfTXTMode()      Set the text mode 80x25
dfUsrHelp()      Displays an help on active keys
dfUsrInfo()      Displays a screen in the status line
dfUsrMsg()       Displays a temporary string in the bottom line
dfUsrState()     Sets the USR row status
dfVerBar()       Draws a vertical scroll bar
dfVgaCls()       Clear the screen in VGA mode
dfVgaCls2()      Clear the screen in VGA mode
dfVgaCls3()      Clear the screen in VGA mode
dfVSay()         Displays a text string in virtual mode
dfWaitOff()      Closes the current Wait Object
dfWaitOn()       Actived a Pause Object on the screen
dfWaitStep()     Performs a Step on a Wait Object
dfWin()          Creates a dBsee window at run-time
dfYesNo()        Displays a query box with two available choices

Mouse functions

Clipper 5.3 support
dfMouAct()       Install mouse in memory
dfMouRel()       Remove mouse from memory
M_CL8PX()        Disables the eight pixel of a character
M_CLESS()        Changes the mouse cursor shape to a Hourglass
M_CLOSE()        Deactivates the MOUSE
M_COLPX()        Mouse X position in pixels
M_CURNUM()       Number of activated M_CurOff
M_CUROFF()       Switchs the mouse off
M_CURON()        Switchs the mouse on
M_DBDELAY()      Sets the time delay for the double click
M_EVENT()        Returns the last mouse event
M_FAST()         Augments the mouse sensibility
M_GETCUR()       Reads the mouse internal values
M_HAND()         Set the mouse pointer to a HANDLE
M_INIT()         Initialises the mouse characters
M_ISMOUSE()      Verifies if the mouse is active
M_NORMAL()       Changes the mouse cursor shape to normal
M_POSX()         Mouse X position
M_POSY()         Mouse Y position
M_PRESS()        Returns the current status of mouse buttons
M_ROWPX()        Mouse Y position in pixels
M_SETCHAR()      Sets the mouse cursor characters
M_SETCUR()       Sets the mouse internal values
M_SETPOS()       Sets the position of the mouse cursor
M_SETPXPOS()     Sets the position of the mouse cursor in pixels
M_SETUP()        Initialises the mouse internal variables
M_VGAMOUSE()     Check if the mouse is enabled in VGA mode
M_WINCOND()      Constrains the Mouse to a given screen section
M_WRITE()        Set the mouse pointer like a Windows cursor

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