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dbCfgClose()     Closes a configuration file
dbCfgOpen()      Opens a configuration file
dbCfgPath()      Returns the PATH associated with a specified label
dbDbfPath()      Returns an application USERPATH
dfArrAct()       Return the action array
dfArrApp()       Returns an array of the internal settings.
dfArrCol()       Returns the array of the applications colors
dfArrFont()      Returns a array with information about the FONT
dfArrPath()      Returns an array with the application PATH
dfArrPor()       Returns an array with the ports
dfArrPrn()       Returns an array of the applications printers
dfCngPwd()       Changes password
dfColor()        Returns the color array associated with a given label
dfComma()        Set the comma delimiter
dfGenPwd()       Produce the standard password file of dBsee 4
dfHlp()          Help Function
dfHot()          Set the Hot Key Character
dfIniClose()     Close the dbstart.ini file
dfIniOpen()      Open the configuration file
dfInitName()     Returns the name of the application INI file
dfInitPath()     Returns the path to the application INI file
dfIsIni()        Verifies if the configuration file has been opened
dfLogin()        dBsee 4 password
dfLoginRdd()     Assign a new RDD to the file of the password
dfPwdInfo()      Returns the password of a User level
dfPwdName()      Returns the name of a user level
dfSet()          Sets a system setting
dfSetAdd()       Function usefull to add new system setting
dfSetFont()      Sets the applicatin font
dfSetPal()       Sets the Palette
dfSetPwd()       Set a Password and a User Name
dfTabRdd()       Assign a new RDD to the file of the tables
dfUserCheck()    Checks if the user code is valid
dfUserLev()      Returns the user level
dfUserName()     Returns the user name

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