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DFAS400.CH     Define for the AS/400 functions
DFBACKUP.CH    Backup defines
DFCTRL.CH      Application controls
DFDAC.CH       Application palettes
DFEXETYP.CH    Executable formats
DFFILE.CH      File information
DFFLOPPY.CH    Floppy paramater
DFFRAME.CH     Internal parameter of the dfFrame function
DFGENMSG.CH    Generated message define
DFGRAPH.CH     Graphic functions parameters
DFINDEX.CH     ddindex paramaters
DFINT86.CH     dfInt86 paramaters
DFKEY.CH       dfKeyPres paramaters
DFLOOK.CH      dbLook paramaters
DFMENU.CH      Menu paramaters
DFMOUSE.CH     mouse paramaters
DFMOVE.CH      dfMove paramaters
DFMSG.CH       Defines of the internal message of the library
DFMSGMOD.CH    Mode messages
DFNET.CH       Network defines
DFPACK.CH      Defines of the dfPackFile function
DFREPORT.CH    Report defines
DFSCR.CH       Defines of the dfScr function
DFSET.CH       System defines
DFSTACK.CH     Defines of the stack functiones
DFSTATE.CH     dataentry state defines
DFSTD.CH       dfSet defines
DFTAB.CH       Table defines
DFUSR.CH       User defines
DFVESA.CH      Define for vesa support
DFWIN.CH       Object defines
DFWINDOW.CH    windows defines

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