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 New Utilities


 Utility to load from DOS the .VGF font


 Checks the presence of the debugger in the .OBJ file


 dbshow reduced a 30kb

 General improve

 Blinker 4.0

 Supports the new potentiality of Blinker 4.0

 Clipper 5.3a

 Improved support for Clipper 5.3a


 Improved the implementation of AS/400


 Improved the management of the strings between "'" or "[".
 Added the optimization for the report and query, increasing the
 dimension of the executable file.


 Extend and correct

 Added the internal state stack of the application in the informations


 Modules in object format (.OBJ)

 __dbflis = Replace the F6 key of the debugger

 __dbgdos = Replace the shell of the debugger

 dfNoMous = Eliminate the mouse support


 Improved the Windows 3.1 and Windodws 95 management and added the
 functions to manage the Clipboard.

 dBsee 3.0
 Improved the porting of the functions that are written in dBsee 3.0.


 Added the save on the form palette

 Added the control on the ESC key in the Form object

 Added the /DEFCOLOR parameter to set the palette with a default

 Modifications to the Template

 Form.TMP      Improved the lock system
 Rddlib.TMP    Improved the management of the RDD's of Clipper 5.3
 ATTREL.TMP    Improved the Migliorato lo scaricamento del control
 ATTGET.TMP    Migliorato lo scaricamento del control
 ATTSAY.TMP    Migliorato lo scaricamento del control
 VARGLO.TMP    Added the BackFun function
 LIB.TMP       Template to create a library from the repository

 Modifications to the functions
 dbMsgErr()    Translate any data in a string
 dfAny2Str()   Converts a CodeBlock in string
 dfSet()       Allows to write in the status bar when you are in the search mode
 dfPrnMenu()   Added the possibility to disable the properties of the report dialog in the
               generated application.
 tbFastEdit()  Added the fasted dataentry on the Browse setting the W_FASTMODIFY variable at .T.
 tbOptBrw()    Improved the mouse position
 dfAddMonth()  Improved the management
 dfAddYear()   Improved the management
 tbGet()       Improved the importation of files in the MEMO fields.
 tbGetPaint()  Improved the management of controls that are disable.
 dbLook()      Added two parameter
 tbBrwNew()    Added the positioning for the listbox
 ddPkNew()     Improved for AS400 indexes. The progressive key start from the previously
                    defined step
 ddKey()       Improved the management
 dbActState()  Disable a key
 dfBin2Num()   Rewritten in C
 dfLibDate()   Rewritten in C
 dfNum2Bin()   Rewritten in C
 dfPushAll()   Rewritten in C
 dfPopAll()    Rewritten in C
 dfScrSaver()  Rewritten in C
 dfScrSav2()   Rewritten in C
 dfScrSav3()   Rewritten
 dfTime2Sec()  Rewritten in C
 dfLeft()      Rewritten in C
 dfPrnFooter() Improved the print from page to page
 ddUpdDbf()    Added the management of the renamed fields
 ddIndex()     Improved for AS/400 indexes

 dfRound()     Modified for CA-Clipper 5.3 compatibility
 dfCalc()      General improved.

 dfReader()    Improved for the management of negative number in the numerical GET when
                  the input flow from right to left.
                   Improved the @0 management
                   Added the @K in the @0 picture
 dfTabPrint()  Improved the print tables
 dfNullify()   Added the changeable default with dfSet()

 dfAddObj()    DELETED Utilize the tbAddObj() function
 dfDelObj()    DELETED Utilize the tbDelObj() function
 dfSet()       Added a setting to improve the memory usage.

 dfAutoForm()  General improve
 tbKey()       Not change the index on the list box
 tbGet()       Improved the management
 ddIndexFile() General improve
 dfUse()       Added the management of the ALIAS

 Interface to dBsee 3.0 functions

 dbBox()       Design a box
 dbIO()        Manage the fields of the database
 ddDe()        Automatic Dataentry
 dbgetw()      Get within a box
 dbsay()       Say
 cdbcolorn()   Get Color of the screen
 dbwar()       Menu with a array
 tView()       Displays a external source code

 New Functions

 dBsee4AS()    Checks if the version is dBsee for AS/400
 ddBackup()    Allows to obtain a backup of databases that are specified in the dbdd
 ddCngRdd()    Allows to change an RDD for the database on DBDD
 ddRestore()   Executes a restore of the databases that are specified in the dbdd
 dfALen()      Checks the maximum lenght of the elements of the array
 dfAMax()      Determine the maximum value of an array
 dfAMin()      Determine the minimum value of an array
 dfAPadr()     Executes the PADR of all elements of an array
 dfBin2Fp()    Translate a string in a numeric floating point
 dfBufferGet() Get a value of the clipboard of the application
 dfBufferIns() Put a value in the clipoboard of the application
 dfComma()     Set the comma character of the calculator
 dfDatPic()    Format a date following a picture
 dfDatePack()  Function to compress the data
 dfDateUnPack()Function to decompress a data
 dfFp2Bin()    Translate a numeric floating point in a string
 dfGetFileAtr()Allows to get the attributes of file
 dfIsCaller()  Checks if the function is in the CALL STACK
 dfLoginRdd()  Change the RDD of the password files
 dfMem2Disk()  Allows to store on disk the RAM
 dfModIni()    Allows to modify the INI file
 dfNumCmp()    Function to compress a numeric value
 dfNumDeCmp()  Function to decompress a numeric value
 dfPairCmp()   Compression routine
 dfPairDeCmp() Decompression routine
 dfPrnSet()    Change at runtime the prinetr
 dfRLCmp()     Compress a buffer
 dfRLDeCmp()   Decompress a buffer
 dfScrSav1()   New screen saver
 dfScrSav10()  New screen saver
 dfScrSav11()  New screen saver
 dfScrSav5()   New screen saver
 dfScrSav6()   New screen saver
 dfScrSav7()   New screen saver
 dfScrSav8()   New screen saver
 dfScrSav9()   New screen saver
 dfScrSavRnd() New screen saver
 dfSetFileAtr()Allows to change the attributes of file
 dfShell()     Call a DOS shell
 dfTabRdd()    Change the RDD of the table files
 dfTimePack()  Function to compress the hours
 dfTimeUnPack()Function to decompress the hours
 dfYearHi()    Get the high part of the data
 dfYearLo()    Get the low part of the data
 tbGetColumn() Get a column in the listbox
 tbInhUpd()    Update the inherits fields in modification state
 tbAddObj()    Disable the last object that is present on video
 tbDelObj()    Enable the last object that is present on video
 dbTab2Arr()   Converts a table in array
 dfFile2Laser()Function to print the compressed text on the laser printer

 Function for Windows

 dfIsWin()     Checks if the program is executing in a Windows shell
 dfIsWinClp()  Checks if the Windows clipboard is active
 dfWinClpClos()Close the Windows clipboard
 dfWinClpEmpt()Delete the clipboard of Windows
 dfWinClpGet() Get a value to the Windows Clipboard
 dfWinClpOpen()Open the Windows clipboard
 dfWinClpSet() Set the current value of the Windows clipboard
 dfWinClpSize()Get the size of the Window clipboard
 dfWinClpVer() Return the version of the Windows clipboard.
 dfWinFullScr()Maximize the window of the application
 dfWinVer()    Return the Windows version

 Function for AS/400

 dfASCloneEnv()Duplicates an existing WIN400 environment
 dfASClrLib()  Clear a library on AS/400
 dfASCommand() Performs an AS/400 command
 dfASConnect() Verifies the AS/400 connection
 dfASCpyFil()  Copies a file on AS/400
 dfASCpyLib()  Copies the library in another library
 dfASCrtLib()  Creates a library on AS/400
 dfASDelFil()  Deletes a file on AS/400
 dfASDelLib()  Deletes a library on AS/400
 dfASDriver()  Checks if a driver is for AS/400
 dfASFile()    Checks if a file is present on AS/400
 dfASIndex()   Formats the index expression on AS/400
 dfASMovFil()  Move a file on AS/400
 dfASOpenFile()Open all files that have a WIN400 driver
 dfLoginOnAS() Set/Verify if the password are on AS/400
 dfTabOnAS()   Set/Verify if the tables are on AS/400

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