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tbAddColumn()    Add a column to the tBrowse Object
tbArrLen()       Set the internal length for List box objects
tbAtr()          Brings a tBrowse up-to-date after an APPEND
tbBottom()       Goes to the last record
tbBrwNew()       Creates a new tBrowse object
tbCol()          Current Browse column
tbColWidth()     Returns a column width
tbConfig()       Configures internal parameters
tbDcv()          Decrements the total values of columns
tbDelMtd()       Delete a standard method of one object
tbDelTag()       Clears the array of object tags
tbDown()         Skips to next record
tbEnd()          Closes a tBrowse object
tbEtr()          Brings an object up-to-date after a DELETE
tbEval()         Evaluates a CODEBLOCK on the object's records
tbFastEdit()     Call the fast editing mode of the tBrowse
tbFastSeek()     Function to manage the fast positioning of one object
tbFileStat()     Statistich scan
tbFreeze()       Freeze/UnFreeze the first column of a tBrowse
tbGcv()          Reads the total value of a column
tbGetArr()       Gets an element from the array associate to the LIST-BOX
tbGetChanged()   Check if tbGet has changed some data
tbGetColumn()    Get a column from a tBrowse object
tbGetTag()       Verifies if a row is currently selected
tbGrow()         Permits to  widen a column of a combo
tbIcv()          Recalculates the total value of the columns
tbInhUpd()       Update the value of the inheritance fields
tbInk()          Inkey handler on dBsee 4 objects
tbIsLock()       Controls the block of the record for the object
tbIsMenu()       Verifies if the menu is visible
tbItem()         Returns the contents of a given cell
tbKey()          Call the search on a BROWSE object
tbLeft()         Moves the object cursor to its left
tbMaximize()     Maximizes the current window
tbMenu()         Activates the object menu
tbMinimize()     Minimizes the current window
tbModCel()       Modifies a tBrowse cell
tbMove()         Moves a window
tbOff()          Switch a tBrowse object off
tbOn()           Switchs on a tBrowse object
tbPageDown()     Selects the object's next page
tbPageUp()       Selects the object's previous page
tbPim()          Puts the current record at the tBrowse center
tbPrnLab()       Generic Label Function
tbPrnWin()       Print all the records in the current Browse
TBREALBOTTOM()   Returns the BOTTOM row of an object
TBREALLEFT()     Returns the leftmost object column
TBREALRIGHT()    Returns the rightmost column of an object
TBREALTOP()      Returns the TOP coordinate of an object
tbRes()          Restores an object's background
tbReset()        Assign the current row and the current col
tbRight()        Move the object's cursor to the right
tbRow()          Returns the index of a current List Box element
tbRowCount()     Counts the number of lines in an object
tbRtr()          Refreshes an object after a record modification
tbSav()          Saves an object's background
tbSayOpt()       Displays the list of options
tbScan()         Search a value on a record of one object
tbSetKey()       Sets the filter condition
tbShrink()       Permits the shrinking (sizing)  a enclosed column
tbSize()         Resizes a window
tbStab()         Stabilizes the tBrowse object
tbSys()          Brings the specified controls up-to-date
tbTag()          Select an object's row
tbTagAll()       Select all rows of a Browse object
tbTop()          Goes to the first record
tbTotal()        Recalculates the total values
tbUp()           Moves to the previous record

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