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 -1      S_DBOPEN
         Returned when databse is not open for functions which must be called
         after d_open. Returned when database is open for functions which must
         be called before d_open (for example d_setpages,d_dbuserid,

 -2      S_INVSET
         Invalid set type. You may have passed a record or field type to a
         function which requires a set type.

 -3      S_INVREC
         Invalid record type. You may have passed a set or field type to a
         functionwhich requires a record type.

 -4      S_INVDB
         Invalid database name. Function d_open was unable to find the
         dbname.dbd file. Perhaps you forgot to specify or incorectly specified
         the DBDPATH variable or you are executing from  a directory which
         does not contain the dictionary file. Also returned by other functions
         if is inappropriate for the current record type.

 -5      S_INVFLD
         Invalid field type. You nay have passed a set or record type to a
         function which requires a field type. If the current record is of a
         type other than the one aticipated,S_INVFLD will result because the
         field is anappropriate for the current record type.

 -6      S_INVADDR
         Invalid database address. Returned by functions d_crset, d_csoset, and
         d_csnset. You may have passed the database address varaible by value
         (e.g. d-crset(dba)) instead of by reference (e.g. d_crset(&dba)).

 -7      S_NOCR
         No current record. The current record is null. It is only null after
         d_OPEN (if there's no system record) and after d_delete and d_disdel.

 -8      S_NOCO
         No current owner.The current owner is null.Occurs, for example,
         when d_findfm is called without first having set the current owner
         (e.g. using function d_setor).

 -9      S_NOCM
         No current member. The curent member is null.

 -10     S_KEYREQD
         Key value required. Returned by d_makenew when not all key fields
         have been previously set by d_setkey.

 -11     S_BADTYPE
         Returned by d_open when an invalid access type argument is specified.
         Returned by a lock request function when an invalid lock type is

 -12     S_HASMEM
         Returned by d_delete when the current record is an owner of
         non-empty set.

 -13     S_ISMEM
         Returned by d_delete when the current record is a member of a set

 -14     S_ISOWNED
         Returned by d_connect when the current record is already connected to
         the specified set.

 -15     S_ISCOMKEY
         Illegal operation using a compound key field.

 -16     S_NOTCON
         Record is not connected to specified set.

 -17     S_NOTKEY
         The specified field used in a key operation is not a key field.

 -18     S_INVOWN
         Record type is not legal owner of the specified set. Current record
         may not be what you think it is. Confirm that the prior db_VISTA calls
         were successfull.

 -19     S_INVMEM
         Record type is not legal member of the specified set. Confirm that the
         prior db_VISTA calls were successfull.

 -20     S_SETPAGES
         Invalid parameter passed to d_setpages, or called after open.

 -21     S_INCOMPAT
         Incompatible database dictionaries. Returned from d_open when the
         database dictionary for the specified database is not compatible with
         the version of the db_VISTA runtime which is being executed. You need
         to rerun ddlp on you DDL spec. and then retry your d_open.

 -22     S_DELSYS
         Illegal attempt to delete system record.

 -23     S_NOTFREE
         Attempt to lock a record, set, or key type already locked by your

 -24     S_NOTLOCKED
         Attempt to access or free an unlocked record, set, or key type.

 -25     S_TRANSID
         Transaction id not supplied in call to d_trbegin. This error is not
         detectable on some C compilers.

 -26     S_TRACTIVE
         Transaction already active. Transactions cannot be nested. That is
         you cannot begin a new transaction within an active transaction.

 -27     S_TRNOTACT
         Transaction not active. Attempted to place a write or keep lock
         outside of transaction. Only read locks and exclusive locks can be
         requested outside of transaction.

 -28     S_TRLOCKS
         Transaction cannot begin due to locked files.

 -29     S_TRFREE
         Attempt to free a lock inside a transaction in shared mode. Once
         inside a transaction, locks can only be freed by d_trend or d_trabort.

 -30     S_TRCHANGES
         Too many pages changed within transaction.

 -31     S_NOTRANS
         No transaction. Attempted to update the database in shared mode
         outside a transaction. Database changes can only be made in shared
         mode from within a transaction.

 -32     S_EXCLUSIVE
         Exclusive access required. A database can only be initailized in
         exclusive access mode.

 -33     S_STATIC
         Attempted to place a write lock on a stacic record or file.
         Database must be opened in exclusive mode to modify a static record.

 -34     S_USERID
         No user id. Returned from d_open when no urer id  has been specified.
         User ids are specified using DBUSERID enviroment variable or function

 -35     S_NAMELEN
         Database file or path name too long. Returned by d_open when the 48
         character file name limit has been exceeded. The limit is checked
         after all complete file specifications have been generated from
         sources such as enviroment variables.

 -36     S_RENAME
         An invalid file number was passed to function d_renfile.

 -37     S_NOTOPTKEY
         Field specified in an optional key operation (d_keystore or d_keydel)
         is not an optional key field.

 -38     S_BADFIELD
         Field specified in an optional key operation (d_keystore or d_keydel)
         is not a field in current record.

 -39     S_COMKEY
         Records containing compound keys cannot be created using function

 -40     S_INVNUM
         Invalid record type or set type. Returned by a lock request function.

 -41     S_TIMESTAMP
         Record or set not timestamped. A timestamp function was called for a
         record or set type which is not being timestamped.

 -42     S_BADUSERID
         The userid contains invalid characters. As it is used to create a
         filename, it must contain only alphanumeric characters or underscores

 -43     S_NONETBIOS
         This error occurs when a NetBIOS cannot be found during a d_open.
         The computer may not be connected to a network, or a NetBIOS
         emulater has not yet been executed.

 -44     S_BADBDPATH
         The number of elements (paths separated by ";") in DBDPACH  does
         not match the number of databases opened. It must either match, or
         have one or zero elements.

 -45     S_BADBFPATH
         The number of elements (paths separated by ";") in DBFPACH  does
         not match the number of databases opened. It must either match, or
         have one or zero elements.

 -46     S_NOTYPE
         No record type has been previously  specified by d_recfrst or

 -47     S_INVSORT
         Invalid country table sort string.

 -48     S_DBCLOSE
         Database not closed.

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