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    Load command

    Purpose:  Loads a file or absolute disk sectors into memory.

    Format:   L [address [drive sector sector]]

    Remarks:  The maximum number of sectors that can be loaded with a
              single Load command is 80h (128).

              The Load command has two format options:

              Option 1                                                    

              Use this option to load data from the disk specified by
              drive, and place the data in memory beginning at the spe-
              cified address. For example:

              L  address drive sector sector

              The data is read from the specified starting relative sec-
              tor (first sector) and continues until the requested number
              of sectors is read (second sector).

                   If you only enter an offset for the beginning address,
                   the L command assumes the segment contained in the CS

              For example, to load data, you might enter:

              L DS:100 1 0F 6D

              The data is loaded from the diskette in drive B and placed
              in memory beginning at DS:100h. 6Dh (109) consecutive sec-
              tors of data are transferred, starting with relative sector
              0Fh (15) (the 16th sector on the diskette).

                   Option 1 cannot be used if the drive specified is a
                   network drive.

              Option 2                                                    

              When issued without parameters, or with only the address
              parameter, use this option to load the file whose filespec
              is at CS:80h. For example:

              L address

              This condition is met by specifying the filespec when start-
              ing the DEBUG program, or by using the Name command.

                   If DEBUG was started with a filespec and subsequent
                   Name commands were used, you may need to enter a new
                   Name command for the proper filespec before issuing
                   the Load command.

              The file is loaded into memory beginning at CS:100h (or the
              location specified by address), and is read from the drive
              specified in the filespec (or from the default drive, if
              none was specified). Note that files with extensions of .COM
              or .EXE are always loaded at CS:100h - if you specified an
              address, it is ignored.

              The BX and CX registers are set to the number of bytes read;
              however, if the file being loaded has an extension of .EXE,
              BX and CX are set to the actual program size. The file may be
              loaded at the high end of memory.
              See also Starting DEBUG.

              For example:

              -N myprog

              The file named myprog is loaded from the default disk and
              placed in memory beginning at location CS:100h.

See Also: Name Write address drive sector Starting

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