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Function 4Eh            Find First File (FIND FIRST)

    Searches a directory for the first file or directory whose name
    and attributes match the specified name and attributes.

        Entry   AH    = 4Eh
                CX    = File attributes
                DS:DX = Pointer to ASCIIZ filespec (* ? allowed)

        Return  FileInfo structure at current DTA
                AX = Error code, if CF is set
                     | 02h File not found
                     | 03h Path not found
                     | 12h No more files to be found


    This function searches for the first filename matching the filespec
    (ASCIIZ string pointed to by DS:DX). The filespec may include a drive
    letter and path, and the filename can include wildcard characters.

    The CX register controls the scope of the search by specifying a
    file attribute mask. Note that bits 0 and 5 of the mask are
    ignored, hence a search for files with attr_readonly or
    attr_archive must be performed by testing these bits for all files.
    If a program specifies any combination of attr_system,
    attr_hidden, and attr_directory, this function returns normal
    files in addition to the specified files. The program must examine
    the attributes contained in the returned FileInfo structure to
    determine the type of file found.

    If the DTA has not been explicitly set by function 1ah, DOS uses
    the default DTA at offset 80h in the program segment prefix (PSP).



        fname   db "\abc\*.*",0 ; Search all files/directories in \abc
        fi      FileInfo ?      ; Uninitialized structure
        assume  ds:dgroup
        mov     dx,offset fi            ; ds:dx -> new DTA
        mov     ah,1ah                  ; Set disk transfer address
        int     21h
        mov     dx,offset fname         ; ds:dx -> ASCIIZ filespec.
        mov     cx,ATTR_ANY - ATTR_VOLUME   ; Exclude volume label
                                            ; from the search
        mov     ah,4eh                  ; Invoke Find First File
        int     21h
        jc      @@cf_set                ; Carry flag set if error
        mov     bx,offset fi            ; ds:bx -> FileInfo
        test    [byte bx + 15h],ATTR_DIRECTORY
        jnz     @@findnxt               ; Skip if subdirectory
        cmp     [byte bx + 1eh],"."     ;   or parent's or own dir.
        jz      @@findnxt
        lea     dx,[bx + 1eh]           ; ds:dx -> filename
        call    process_file            ; Do something useful
        mov     ah,4fh                  ; Invoke Find Next File
        int     21h
        jnc     @@got_name              ; Back for more
        cmp     ax,12h                  ; No more files?
        jz      @@end                   ; Then return
        call    error_proc              ;   else trap error

See Also: 4fh 1ah 59h FileInfo File attributes

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