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;InfoID                 db ?            ; One byte precedes ExtCountryInfo
struc ExtCountryInfo                    ; Int 21h/AX=6501h (DOS 3.3+)
 eciLength              dw ?            ; Byte size of structure - 2
 eciCountryCode         dw ?            ; Country Code
 eciCodePageID          dw ?            ; Code page identifier
 ; Following = CountryInfo (Int 21h/AH=38h, DOS 2.11+, 34d bytes)
 eciDateFormat          dw ?            ; Date format
 eciCurrency            db 5 dup (?)    ; Currency symbol (ASCIIZ)
 eciThousands           db 2 dup (?)    ; Thousands separator (ASCIIZ)
 eciDecimal             db 2 dup (?)    ; Decimal separator (ASCIIZ)
 eciDateSep             db 2 dup (?)    ; Date separator (ASCIIZ)
 eciTimeSep             db 2 dup (?)    ; Time separator (ASCIIZ)
 eciBitField            db ?            ; Currency format
 eciCurrencyPlaces      db ?            ; Places after decimal point
 eciTimeFormat          db ?            ; 12-hour or 24-hour format
 eciCaseMap             dd ?            ; Addr of case-mapping routine
 eciDataSep             db 2 dup (?)    ; Data list separator (ASCIIZ)
 eciReserved            db 10 dup (?)   ; Reserved
ends                                    ; = 40d bytes

        ; eciDateFormat
        date_usa        = 0000h         ; Month/day/year
        date_europe     = 0001h         ; Day/month/year
        date_japan      = 0002h         ; Year/month/day

        ; eciTimeFormat
        time_12hour     = 0
        time_24hour     = 1

        ; eciBitField                   ; (bits 2-7 undefined)
        currency_follows_amount = 0001b ; bit 0=0: precedes amount
        currency_space_amount   = 0010b ; bit 1=0: no space between

See Also: 6501h CodePageIDs CountryCodes

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