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Function 36h            Get Disk Free Space

    Returns the number of available clusters, and other information
    about the disk in the specified drive.

        Entry   AH = 36h
                DL = Drive number (0=default, 1=A, 2=B, etc.)

        Return  AX = FFFFh if function failed
                AX = Number of sectors per cluster
                BX = Number of available clusters on the disk
                CX = Number of bytes per sector
                DX = Total number of clusters on the disk


    The number of free bytes on the disk can be calculated by
    multiplying the available clusters by the sectors per cluster by
    the bytes per sector (BX * AX * CX).

    DOS reports sectors allocated in the file allocation table (FAT)
    but not belonging to a file (lost clusters) as used clusters, just
    as if they were allocated to a file.

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