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    Insert Lines command

    Purpose:  Inserts lines of text immediately before the specified line.
              When you create a new file, you must enter the Insert Lines
              command before text can be inserted.

    Format:   [line]I

    Remarks:  If you do not specify line, or if you specify line as a period
              (.), the insert is made immediately before the current line.
              If the line number you specify is greater than the highest ex-
              isting line number, or if you specify # as the line number,
              the insertion is made after the last line in memory.

              EDLIN displays the appropriate line number so that you can
              enter more lines, ending each line by pressing Enter. During
              the insert mode of operation, successive line numbers appear
              automatically each time Enter is pressed.

              You must press Ctrl-Break to discontinue the insert mode of

              The line that follows the inserted lines becomes the current
              line, even if the inserted lines are added to the end of the
              lines in memory. The current line and any remaining lines are

    Example:  Assume that you want to edit the following file. Line 2 is the
              current line.

              1: This is a sample file used to demonstrate
              2:*line deletion
              3: and dynamic line number generation.

              If you want to insert text before line 3, the entry and imme-
              diate response look like this:


              Now, if you want to insert two new lines of text, enter:

                3:*First new line of text
                4:*Second new line of text

              and press Ctrl-Break.

              The original line 3 is now renumbered to line 5.

              If you display the file with a List Lines command, the file
              looks like this:

              1: This is a sample file used to demonstrate
              2: line deletion
              3: First new line of text
              4: Second new line of text
              5:*and dynamic line number generation.

              If you had typed 2I or .I or I the two lines would appear
              immediately before the current line.

              If you had typed 4 I or #I the two lines would appear at the
              end of the file.

See Also: Common line

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