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hpAtSay()         Print text anywhere on a page (similar to Clipper @ SAY)
hpBold()          Print text in simulated bold type
hpBox()           Draw boxes with one of several different line types
hpC2I()           Converts horizontal character spacing to inches
hpC2M()           Converts horizontal character spacing to millimeters
hpCallMacro()     Call macro specified by ID number
hpCenter()        Center a string horizontally on the page
hpCircle()        Draws circle of specified size, thickness, shade, pattern
hpClrFonts()      Clear all downloaded fonts from laser printer's memory
hpClrMacros()     Delete macros from the printer's memory
hpClrMargins()    Reset left and right margins
hpConfig()        Configure the laser printer
hpCopy()          Set number of copies to be printed by the laser printer
hpDownload()      Downloads a soft font to printer as a permanent font
hpDuplex()        Toggle duplex mode on or off
hpEndMacro()      End a macro definition
hpExecMacro()     Begin execution of macro specified by ID number
hpFeed()          Select how paper is fed into the laser printer
hpGrayBar()       Draws a gray shaded bar with one of several border types
hpGrayBox()       Draw a gray shaded box with one of several border types
hpGrayCol()       Draw a vertical, gray shaded bar
hpI2M()           Converts inches to millimeters
hpIAtSay() *      Print a character string on page, specified in inches
hpIBox() *        Draw box with one of several lines, specified in inches
hpICenter() *     Center string horizontally, specified in inches
hpIGrayBar() *    Draw gray shaded, coordinates specified in inches
hpIGrayBox() *    Draw gray shaded box, specified in inches
hpIGrayCol() *    Draw vertical, gray shaded bar, specified in inches
hpIPattBar() *    Draw a bar filled with a pattern, specified in inches
hpIPattBox() *    Draw a box filled with a pattern, specified in inches
hpIPattCol() *    Draw vertical bar filled with pattern, specified in inches
hpIRJust()        Right justify string on the page, specified in inches
hpJust()          Wrap a line of text, fully justified
hpJustCount()     Count the number of lines in a character string
hpJustLine()      Extract line of text from character string or memo field
hpL2I()           Converts vertical line position to inches
hpL2M()           Converts vertical line position to millimeters
hpLRMargin()      Set left and right margins
hpM2I()           Converts millimeters to inches
hpMemoLine()      Extract line of text from character string or memo field
hpMLCount()       Count the number of lines in a character string
hpOverlay()       Enable auto macro overlay
hpOverOff()       Disable auto macro overlay
hpPageSize()      Configure laser printer to accept specified paper size
hpPattBar()       Draw a bar filled with one of several fill patterns
hpPattBox()       Draw a box filled with one of several fill patterns
hpPattCol()       Draw vertical bar filled with one of several fill patterns
hpPattern()       Print text with a pattern screen.
hpPCX()           Print a monochrome, half tone, or color .PCX file
hpPhysical()      Placed text based on either the physical or logical page
hpPrintOff()      Sets 'Print Off', ''Console On', and 'Device to Screen'
hpPrintOn()       Sets 'Print On', ''Console Off', and 'Device to Print'
hpRaster()        Creates and prints raster images
hpReset()         Reset the laser printer back to its default settings
hpReverse()       Print a string with a reversed effect (i.e. white on black)
hpRJust()         Right justify a string on the page
hpRotate()        Rotates printing orientation between portrait and landscape.
hpS2I()           Determine length of string in inches
hpS2M()           Determine length of string in millimeters
hpSetFont()       Select the desired font
hpSetLPI()        Set the number of lines per vertical inch to print on page
hpSetup() *       Configure laser printer and select typestyle
hpShade()         Print a string with a screened effect
hpShadow()        Print a string with a shadow effect.
hpStartMacro()    Begin a macro definition
hpSub()           Print text in subscript mode
hpSuper()         Print text in superscript mode
hpTMargin()       Set the top margin
hpTrans()         Print special, "unprintable" characters
hpUnderln()       Print text with a single underline
hpWrap()          Wrap non-justified, proportionally or fixed spaced text

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