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 Introduction    CD-Audio - Sound Blaster/Pro - DAC - Speaker
 cdDrive()       Returns the logical name of the CD unit
 cdEject()       Ejects the CD disk
 cdInfo()        Returns the contents of a CD disk
 cdInstall()     Determines if a CD is installed
 cdPlay()        Starts the CD
 cdResume()      Resumes a previous pause
 cdStatus()      Determines the status of a CD unit
 cdStop()        Stops or pauses the CD
 dacVocPlay()    Reproduces a file with VOC format by a parallel DAC
 dacWavPlay()    Reproduces a file with WAV format by a parallel DAC
 dacPort()       Determines the parallel port where the DAC is placed
 MSCDEXVer()     Returns the version of MSCDEX
 sbCDVol()       Returns the volume level of the CD. Only Pro
 sbFMVolL()      Returns the left volume level FM
 sbFMVolR()      Returns the right volume level FM
 sbInit()        Initiates the Sound Blaster and determine it's presence
 sbIO()          Returns and/or modify the SB IO Address
 sbIRQ()         Returns and/or modify the IRQ of the SB
 sbLineVolL()    Returns the left volume line level
 sbLineVolR()    Returns the right volume level
 sbMastVolL()    Returns the Master left volume level
 sbMastVolR()    Returns the Master right volume level
 sbRecScr()      Returns the volume level of the recording
 sbVocPlay()     Reproduces a file wiht format VOC by the Sound Blaster
 sbVocVolL()     Returns the left VOC volume level
 sbVocVolR()     Returns the right VOC volume level
 sbWavPlay()     Reproduces a file with WAV format by the Sound Blaster
 spkVocPlay()    Reproduces a file with VOC format by the speaker
 spkWavPlay()    Reproduces a file with WAV format by the speaker

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