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 4.6 Browsing everything you want

 The major advantage of FiveWin TWBrowse (strongly based on Clipper TBrowse
 model) is the capability of browsing anything you may need.

 FiveWin TWBrowse is a generic browser machine capable of browsing information
 of any type, though as DataBase browsing is usually more common, we have
 added certain built-in functionality to quickly build DataBases browsers.

 There are certain DATAs and METHODs in a TWBrowse object, that conveniently
 initialized will let you browse anything:

    DATAs       bLine        It will be used to display each browse line.
                             It must return an array with all the columns
                             elements to represent.

                bSkip        Used to skip certain amount of lines. This
                             codeblock is evaluated every time the current
                             selected line is going to change. bSkip receives
                             a numeric parameter indicating the desired
                             number of lines to be skipped, and it has to
                             confirm that number returning it, or an
                             alternative number with the real number of lines
                             to skip:

                             bSkip = { | nWant, nDo | ..., nDo }

                             nWant represent the desired number of lines to
                             skip. nDo will indicate the final number of
                             lines to skip.

                bGoTop       These codeblocks are evaluated for navigating
                bGoBottom    through the represented data. Properly assigned
                             will let you browse anything.

                bLogicLen    You must assign here the logical total length
                             of the browse, to properly set the browse

 As an example, lets see how we can browse an array just manipulating
 these DATAs:

   @ 1, 2 LISTBOX oBrw FIELDS aSample[ nItem ] ;
      HEADERS "Reviewing Array" ;
      FIELDSIZES 200 ;
      OF oDlg ;
      SIZE 100, 100 ;
      ON CLICK MsgInfo( "Click" )

   oBrw:bGoTop    = { || nItem := 1 }
   oBrw:bGoBottom = { || nItem := Eval( oBrw:bLogicLen ) }
   oBrw:bSkip     = { | nWant, nOld | nOld := nItem, nItem += nWant,;
                        nItem := Max( 1, Min( nItem, Eval( oBrw:bLogicLen ) ) ),;
                        nItem - nOld }
   oBrw:bLogicLen = { || Len( aSample ) }
   oBrw:cAlias    = "Array"                // Just put something
   oBrw:bKeyChar  = { | nKey | MsgInfo( nKey ) } // Controlling keystrokes

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