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 Class TTxtEdit  Ascii files visual editing. Inherits from TControl

 aLines          An array holding all the text lines
 aDelLines       An array to store the deleted lines
 aRDelLines      An array where to store the undo actions
 nDelLines       Max. number of deleted lines to store
 nVisLines       Number of lines that fit in screen
 nLineTop        First line visible on screen
 lInsert         Logical cursor insert mode
 lChanged        Text has changed
 cFileName       Name of the related physical filename
 cOperators      A string with all the operators  (i.e.: "+-*/:.,;" )
 cSeparators     A string with all the separators (i.e.: " " + Chr( 9 ) )
 nRow            Caret physical pixel row position inside the control surface
 nCol            Caret physical pixel col position inside the control surface
 nLineRow        Caret logical row position inside the control surface
 nLineCol        Caret logical col position inside the control surface
 cTokens1        A string with the first group of tokens delimited with spaces
 cTokens2        A string with the second group of tokens delimited with spaces
 cTokens3        A string with the third group of tokens delimited with spaces
 cBegWith        A string with the group of begin-with tokens delimited with spaces
 nClrTok1        The first group of tokens color
 nClrTok2        The second group of tokens color
 nClrTok3        The third group of tokens color
 nClrBegin       The begin-with group of tokens color
 nClrNumber      The numbers tokens color
 nClrString      The strings tokens color
 nClrOperator    The operators tokens color
 nClrBBlock      BackColor of a marked block
 nClrFBlock      ForeColor of a marked block
 nBlkStart       First logical line of the marked block
 nBlkEnd         Last logical line of the marked block
 nTabLen         Number of spaces to display for a TAB character
 nLeftMargin     Left margin
 lVScroll        Shows the vertical scrollbar
 lBackUp         Makes a backup BAK file when start saving the file to disk
 lUndo           Allows undo operations
 nOldLine        Last selected text line
 lRegistered     ClassData to store the WinApi registered state of the Class

 New             Constructor method
 Change          Always executed when there is a change in the text
 DelBlock        Deletes the current marked block
 DelCurLine      Deletes the current selected line
 Delete          Response to Del Key
 DelLine         Deletes any line
 DrawLine        Draws any line
 DrawCurLine     Draws the current selected line
 Display         Shows all the text lines
 GoUp            Try to go to the previous text line
 GoDown          Try to go to the next text line
 InsLine         Insert a text line
 Load            Loads the text file from disk
 nGetTokenColor  Retrieves the defined color for a specified token
 nLine           Index line inside aLines array
 Paint           Automatically called from inside Display method
 SelFile         Interactively select a new file to edit
 GotFocus        Action performed when getting the focus
 LostFocus       Action performed when losing the focus
 KeyChar         Action performed when generating a keystroke
 KeyDown         Action performed when pressing a key
 LButtonDown     Action performed when left clicking the mouse
 GoPrevLine      Go to the previous text line
 GoNextLine      Go to the next text line
 GoPrevChar      Go to the previous character
 GoNextChar      Go to the next character
 GoBeginLine     Go to the beginning of the text line
 GoEndLine       Go to the end of the text line
 GoPrevWord      Go to the previous word
 GoNextWord      Go to the next word
 ToggleInsert    Toggles the current insert mode
 ReSize          Action performed when resizing the control
 SetFont         Sets the font to use for displaying the text lines
 SetText         Sets the text to edit from a string
 VScrAdjust      Vertical ScrollBar Range Adjust
 GoBottom        Go to the last text line
 GoTop           Go to the first text line
 GotoLine        Interactively request the line to go to
 GoLine          Go to a certain text line
 PageUp          Go to the previous page of text lines
 PageDown        Go to the next page of text lines
 DupLine         Duplicates the current selected line
 Copy            Copies the current marked block into the Clipboard
 Paste           Copies the clipboard contents into the current caret position
 Cut             Deletes the current marked block and copies into the Clipboard
 JoinLine        Joins the current line with the next text line
 SplitLine       Breaks the current line into two from the current caret position
 Save            Save the text to a disk file
 AddUndo         Adds a new action to the array of 'UnDoable' actions
 Undo            Undoes the last performed operation
 Redo            Redoes the last performed operation
 MouseMove       Action to perform when moving the mouse over the control
 PaintBlkDown    Extends downwards the marked block and paints it
 PaintBlkUp      Extends upwards the marked block and paints it

See Also:

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