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 * This book is a must. The first step to take:

   Charles Petzold
   Programming in Windows
   Microsoft Press

   It is a very 'hard' book, though it is very well written. When you
   read this book and understand how the Windows API has to be
   programmed, the more you will get in love with CA-Clipper and

 * The best book to understand how to apply OOPS to Windows:

   Paul Dilascia
   The Andrew Schulman - Programming Series
   Addison Wesley - ISBN 0-201-60891-X

   In some aspects Paul Dilascia opened our eyes to create FiveWin.
   Thanks Paul for writing this excellent book!

 * The documentation that we have used many, many times is the
   help file HLP provided with:

   Borland C++ 3.0, 3.1, 4.0
   Microsoft Visual C++ 1.0, 1.5
   or any other Windows C/C++ compiler.

 * Microsoft distributes a HLP file for Visual Basic users,
   which contains all kinds of very interesting tricks and techniques.
   We highly recommend FiveWin users to get that file, because
   most of that information may be easily adapted to FiveWin.

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