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  Network programming

 If you have never design a NetWork application with Clipper, don't be afraid!
 They are not so difficult. There are some rules you have to follow:

 1. All DataBases will be opened 'SHARED' by default, except if you
 specify 'EXCLUSIVE' clause, and also depending on your SET EXCLUSIVE ...
 state (see USE... and SET EXCLUSIVE... Clipper commands).

 2. Once the DataBase is USEd as SHARED, several users on a NetWork
 may use it, or several non-modal MdiChild windows or Non-modal DialogBoxes
 may access the DataBase info at the same time.

 3. You can not manipulate the contents of a field directly. Before
 replacing the value of a field you have to lock the record. Basically this
 is the typical procedure:

            if MyAlias->( RLock() )             // Lock the record
               MyAlias->Field := <NewValue>     // Modify the contents
               MyAlias->( DbUnLock() )          // UnLock the record
               MsgAlert( "The DataBase is in use now! Try again!" )

 4. Some Database operations (as building an entire INDEX) may
 require that you open a DataBase in EXCLUSIVE mode or that you lock
 the entire Database, not just a record.

 Use USE ... EXCLUSIVE to open a DataBase as exclusive or use the
 function FLock() to entirely lock a file.

 5. Get yourself some book about NetWork coding for learning
 advanced tips and tricks! You will become a NetWork programming master
 pretty soon!

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