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 CLASS TCBrowse FROM TWBrowse   Column based browse                          .

 lRegistered     Internal. Used to register a new class.
 aColumns        An array holding all the column objects
 aArray          Holds the array, when browsing an array
 lNoHScroll      Don't display the vertical scrollbar
 lNoLiteBar      Don't use a different color to hilite bar
 lNoGrayBar      Don't use a different color to lostfocus bar
 lLogicDrop      Use a combobox when editing a logical value
 nAdjColumn      Column index to expand to flush table window
 lRepaint        Bypass paint if false
 nFreeze         Freeze nFreeze left most columns
 oDbf            Holds DataBase object when used
 oCtx            Holds context object when used
 lColDrag        Allows column exchange by dragging
 lLineDrag       Allows column width resize with the mouse
 nDragCol        Column being mouse dragged
 lAutoCtx        True when managing a context object
 hBmpCursor      Bitmap handle to display on first column
 bSeekChange     Expression to eval when record changes
 cSeek           Last expression to seek on incremental search
 nColOrder       Column which index is the active one

 New             Constructor. Creates a new browse from source code          .
 ReDefine        Constructor from resources                                  .
 Destroy         Specific destroy for these objects. Internally called.      .
 GotFocus        Method to execute on receiving focus event. Internal.       .
 LostFocus       Method to execute on losing focus event. Internal          .
 BeginPaint      Method to execute on beginpaint event. Internal             .
 Paint           Method to execute on paint event. Internal.                 .
 EndPaint        Method to execute on Endpaint event. Internal               .
 Default         Performs default initialization of the browse. Internal.    .
 DrawLine        Draws a specific line of the browse. Internally used        .
 DrawSelect      Draws the line that is currently selected. Internal         .
 DrawHeaders     Draws the headers of all visible columns. Internal          .
 ResetSeek       Resets the seek expression on incremental search            .
 SetOrder        Selects a column index tag                                  .
 GoDown          Select next browse row                                      .
 GoUp            Select the previous browse row                              .
 Seek            Performs an incremental search based on nKey value          .
 PageUp          Goes up one page                                            .
 PageDown        Goes down one page                                          .
 KeyChar         Method to handle WM_CHAR events.                            .
 LButtonDown     Left mouse click events manager                             .
 LButtonUp       Left mouse releasing events manager                         .
 LDblClick       Left double click events management                         .
 lEditCol        Edits a cell of the browse                                  .
 nAtCol          Returns the column placed at a specific pixel position      .
 MouseMove       Mouse Movements events manager                              .
 Report          Automatically generates a Report from the browse            .
 Reset           Resets all browse navigation associated data                .
 ResetBarPos     Set the scrollBar thumb according to the default tag        .
 SetArray        Browses an array                                            .
 SetoDBF         Browses a DataBase object                                   .
 SetContext      Sets a context object to be used                            .
 VertLine        Controls the column width mouse resizing                    .
 AddColumn       Adds a new column to the browse                             .
 SwitchCols      Exchanges two columns without displaying them again         .
 Exchange        Exchange two columns and displays them                      .

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