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 Class TControl  Inherits from TWindow
 bSetGet         Code Block to manage the variable associated to the control
 bChange         Action to be performed when there is a major change
 cCaption        Text caption of the Control
 lCaptured       If the control has the mouse captured
 lDrag           If the control should be moved around
 lMouseDown      Is the mouse button down on the control
 lUpdate         If the control has to be updated when updating the Dialog
 nLastRow        The last screen row where the mouse was positioned.
 nLastCol        The last screen column where the mouse was positioned

 Change          Virtual Method to execute when generic changing of the control   .
 Click           Virtual Method to execute when generic clicking of the control   .
 cToChar         Control Data to template convertor for creating Dialog Boxes.
 Init            Generic Control initialization method                       .
 Default         Default initialization                                      .
 EraseBkGnd      Erase Background of control                                 .
 FWLostFocus     Handle losing focus by control                              .
 GetDlgCode      Handle changing of controls                                 .
 GetNewId        Generates an unique control ID                              .
 GotFocus        Action to be performed when getting the focus               .
 LostFocus       Action to be performed when losing the focus               .
 End             Ends control and make it disappear                          .
 HandleEvent     Generic control Handle Event method                         .
 KeyDown         Action to be performed when pressing a control key          .
 SetFocus        Set keyboard focus to control                               .
 Colors          Returns the colors of the control                           .
 DrawItem        Generic base DrawItem procedure                             .
 FillMeasure     Generic Fill Measure method                                 .
 Set3DLook       Enables the 3D look                                         .
 VarPut          Modify the value of the associated variable through bSetGet .
 VarGet          Load again the variable value associated                    .
 LButtonDown     Action to be performed when clicking the mouse              .
 LButtonUp       Action to be performed when releasing the mouse             .
 MouseMove       Action to be performed when moving the mouse over           .
 KeyChar         Action to be performed when pressing a key                  .
 ForWhen         WHEN clauses control                                        .
 Display         Displays the control. Use :Refresh() to force repaint       .
 Paint           Draws the control. This process occurs inside Display.      .
 SysCommand      Handle system commands sent to the control                  .

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