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                   FlexFile Support Policy

   Who may receive support

   Only registered users of FlexFile may receive support.  To
   register simply fill out the registration card that is
   enclosed with the FlexFile package that you receive, fill
   out the information, and send it directly to Ganahl Software.

   What you must do

   Before contacting our Customer Support please have the
   following information on hand:

           1. Your product's serial number and version number (on
              the inside front or back cover of your manual).
           2. FlexFile library used (FlexFile.lib or Flex_87.lib).
           3. Computer make and model.
           4. DOS version.
           5. Network software if applicable.
           6. Clipper version (e.g. S'87, Clipper 5.0, etc.)

   How to Contact Ganahl Software Technical support

   The best method for support of any Clipper product (including
   Clipper itself) is on CompuServe's Nanforum or DBA (Data Based
   Advisor's forum).  Simply post messages to the user ID

   The reason this is the best support is because you benifit
   from the other users of FlexFile who frequent the forum, the
   Ganahl Software Support folks, and Brice deGanahl (FlexFile's

   Otherwise either write or call between 9:am and 5:pm (EST)

           Ganahl Software
           P.O. Box 4275
           Deerfield Beach, Florida  33442
           Support: (305) 941-5199
           Sales:   (305) 566-1796
           FAX:     (305) 566-3517

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