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   Toggles between relative and absolute coordinate systems.


         nRelOrAbs   Sets which coordinate system to use.
                     0 - Relative coordinate system.
                     1 - Absolute coordinate system.
         nActReg     Sets the active region.
                     0 - Keep current active region.
                     1 - Reset active region to full tablet. (default)

         TAB_MODE() is used to toggle between relative and absolute coordinate
         systems, and to reset the active region to its default. When you use
         relative coordinates, the tablet functions just like a mouse. You can
         pick up the stylus or cursor and put it down somewhere else without
         moving the mouse cursor on the screen. When you are using absolute
         coordinates, the tablet becomes a representation of the screen. You
         can move the cursor normally, like a mouse, but whenever you pick up
         the stylus or cursor and put it down somewhere else, the mouse cursor
         moves to the position of the screen that corresponds with the
         position of the stylus or cursor on the tablet. For instance, if you
         were in absolute mode and your mouse cursor was in the lower
         left-hand corner of the screen, you could pick up your stylus or
         cursor and put it down in the upper right-hand corner of the tablet.
         The cursor would automatically jump to the upper right-hand corner of
         the screen. This is very useful when tracing drawings or other
         pictures with the tablet. The other parameter, nActReg, if set to 1,
         will reset the active region to the whole tablet. If specified as 0,
         it will keep the current active region. The active region is defined
         with the TAB_RESIZE() command.

See Also: TAB_RESIZE()

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