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 ?                   Display values preceded by CR/LF on console
 ??                  Display values on console location
 ???                 Display values followed by CR/LF on console
 @                   Position the cursor or printer head
 @ clear             Clear a screen area
 @ to                Clear a screen area or draw a box
 alert()             Display message box with buttons
 bordercolor()       Change screen border color
 box()               Draw a box within specified coordinates
 box3d()             Display 3D-like box
 clear               Clear the screen
 col()               Return the current cursor column position
 colorcode()         Convert color string to color code
 curcolor()          Draw a horizontal bar without changing screen text
 curcolorvert()      Draw a vertical bar
 cursor()            Turn the cursor on or off
 cursoroff()         Turn the cursor off
 cursoron()          Turn the cursor on
 cursorrest()        Restore cursor status
 cursorsave()        Save cursor status
 cursortype()        Modify the cursor shape
 detectmaxrowcol()   Autodetect the current screen size
 dispattr()          Print a string in mixed colors
 dispcolor()         Display a color string at coordinates
 dispdirect()        Print a string in screen colors
 dispdirectpad()     Print a string in screen colors with padding
 fill()              Draw a box with optional fill and shadow
 getdoscolor()       Return the DOS screen color attribute
 getmaxcol()         Return the maximum screen column number
 getmaxrow()         Return the maximum screen row number
 getrc()             Return the cursor row and column position
 getscrattr()        Return the attribute at screen location
 getscrchar()        Return the character at screen location
 getscrcharattr()    Return the character/attribute at screen location
 getsetconsole()     Get and set the console flag
 growbox()           Draw a zooming box
 invcolor()          Swap fore/background values in a color attribute
 iscolor()           Determine if monitor has color capability
 iscursor()          Determine cursor visibility
 popbox()            Display popup message box with buttons
 progbar()           Display progress bar
 putscrattr()        Set attribute at screen location
 putscrchar()        Write character to screen location
 putscrcharattr()    Write character and attribute to screen location
 releasescreens()    Release screen save stack
 repaintarea()       Restore screen without removing from save stack
 repaintareax()      Restore a saved screen area
 repaintnew()        Restore screen area at new coordinates
 restcolors()        Restore saved color settings
 restorearea()       Restore last saved screen
 restoreareafromfile() Restore screen area from a screen file
 restorenew()        Restore a saved screen to a new position
 restorescreen()     Restore a saved screen
 restorescrn()       Restores a screen area
 restorescrnd()      Restore screen with delay
 restrc()            Restore saved cursor position
 row()               Return the current cursor row position
 savearea()          Save screen area
 saveareatofile()    Save screen area to disk file
 savecolors()        Save current color settings
 saverc()            Save the current cursor position
 savescreen()        Save the entire screen image
 savescrn()          Save a screen area to a variable
 scrlline()          Scroll screen area one line up or down
 scrnbios()          Set up BIOS screen driver
 scrndirect()        Set up direct screen driver
 scrndos()           Set up DOS screen driver
 scrndriver()        Return current screen driver identifier
 scroll()            Scroll screen area up or down
 scrollfill()        Scroll screen area filling blank lines
 scrseg()            Return segment address of video adapter buffer
 set color to        Control the console color
 setblink()          Set screen blink mode and high intensity background
 setcapspos()        Set scoreboard position of the Caps indicator
 setcolors()         Set color attributes
 setcolorto()        Set display colors using color string
 setinspos()         Set scoreboard position of the Ins indicator
 setmaxrowcol()      Set screen sizes
 setmode()           Change display mode
 setnumpos()         Set scoreboard position of the Num indicator
 setrc()             Set cursor position
 setscrollpos()      Set scoreboard position of the Scroll indicator
 swapcolors()        Exchange standard and enhanced colors
 vidaddr()           Return the address of the first video page
 videotype()         Return type of the active video adapter
 zoombox()           Display a zooming box with shadow
 __color_enhcd       Enhanced color attribute
 __color_inact       Inactive color attribute
 __color_score       Scoreboard color attribute
 __color_std         Standard color attribute
 __cr_first          CR/LF display setting
 __cursor            Cursor visibility
 __doscolor          DOS color attribute
 __max_col           Greatest column number
 __max_row           Greatest row number
 __syscolor          System colors array

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