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 alltrim()           Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string
 appendext()         Append extension to a file name
 asc()               Convert a character to its ASCII code
 at()                Return the position of a substring within a string
 capfirst()          Capitalize words in a string
 center()            Center a string within a specified width
 checkval()          Return a dollar amount in English words
 chr()               Convert an ASCII code to a character
 cnvumlt()           Expand accented characters in a string
 ctom()              Return minutes corresponding to a time string
 duden()             Convert accented characters to vowel equivalents
 getexact()          Return the exact flag
 getsetexact()       Get and set the exact flag
 isalpha()           Determine if a string begins with a letter
 isdigit()           Determine if a string begins with a digit
 isempty()           Determine if a string is empty
 islower()           Determine if a string begins in lower case
 istr()              Convert an integer to a character string
 isupper()           Determine if a string begins in upper case
 ival()              Convert a string to its numeric representation
 ladjust()           Left-adjust a string
 left()              Extract substring from the left end of a string
 len()               Return the length of a string
 logtostr()          Return the string representation of a logical
 lower()             Convert uppercase characters to lowercase
 ltoc()              Convert logical value to string
 ltrim()             Remove leading spaces from a string
 mtoc()              Return time corresponding to number of minutes
 normalize()         Converts character string to "normalized" form
 numcomma()          Add commas at thousand positions to a number string
 pad()               Right-pad string with blanks
 padc()              Center-pad a string with fill character
 padl()              Left-pad a string with fill character
 padr()              Right-pad a string with fill character
 radjust()           Right-adjust a string
 rat()               Return rightmost position of a substring in string
 replicate()         Return string repeated a specified number of times
 right()             Extract substring from the right end of a string
 rtrim()             Remove trailing spaces from a string
 set exact           Control the exact flag
 setexact()          Set the exact flag
 soundex()           Convert string to soundex form
 space()             Returns a string of space characters
 squish()            Remove spaces from string while converting to lowercase
 str()               Convert number to a formatted string
 strafter()          Return string end after substring
 strbetween()        Return string part between two substrings
 strcount()          Count the occurrences of a character in a string
 strcountptr()       Count character occurrences in pointed-to string
 strdecrypt()        Decrypt an encrypted string
 strencrypt()        Encrypt a character string
 strfilter()         Eliminate all occurrences of a character from string
 strpack()           Pack a string
 strtolog()          Return a logical representing a logical string
 strunpack()         Unpack a string
 stuff()             Insert, delete and replace characters in a string
 substr()            Extract a substring from a character string
 token()             Return a token from a string
 tokenptr()          Return a token from a string pointer
 tolower()           Return character code in lower case
 toupper()           Return character code in upper case
 trim()              Remove trailing spaces from a string
 upper()             Convert lowercase characters to uppercase
 val()               Convert a string to a double-precision number
 wildequal()         Perform a wildcard search of a mask string
 word()              Extract a word from a string
 __c_backslash       String constant (backslash character)
 __c_dash            String constant (dash character)
 __c_dbf             String constant (default database file extension)
 __c_dbt             String constant (default memo file extension)
 __c_dot             String constant (dot character)
 __c_empty           String constant (empty string)
 __c_fdx             String constant (default index file extension)
 __c_slash           String constant (slash character)
 __c_space           String constant (space character)
 __c_txt             String constant (default text file extension)

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