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 -C<x>               Const num type <b|i|u|l|n|d>
 -D<x>               Define macro <name>[=<text>]
 -Fi<x>              Add path to include files
 -Fo<x>              Set object file name
 -Fp                 Generate preprocessor file
 -Ga                 Remove array check calls
 -Gd                 DOSSEG segment ordering
 -Gf                 Strings in far data segment
 -Gs                 Remove stack check calls
 -Gt                 Combine stack with DGROUP
 -Gu                 Treat bytes as unsigned
 -Gw                 DS reloaded on function entry
 -H                  Display help
 -No                 Quiet operation
 -Nt<x>              Set code segment name
 -Ox                 Include non-referenced externs
 -S<n>               Set stack size in main module
 -V                  Verbose output
 -W<n>               Set warning level <0...3>
 -We<n>              Set error limit
 -Wx                 Treat warnings as errors
 -Zc                 Treat leading * as comment
 -Zd                 Add line number debug info
 -Zi                 Add symbolic debug info
 -Zl                 No default library
 -Zs                 Perform syntax check only
 -Zt                 Credits

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