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 ?                         Display values preceded by CR/LF on console                  
 ??                        Display values on console location                           
 ???                       Display values followed by CR/LF on console                  
 @                         Position the cursor or printer head                          
 @ clear                   Clear a screen area                                          
 @ to                      Clear a screen area or draw a box                            
 __blk_size                Database buffer size                                         
 __bregs                   Processor byte register value array                          
 __browse_colsep           Browse column separator                                      
 __c_backslash             String constant (backslash character)                        
 __c_dash                  String constant (dash character)                             
 __c_dbf                   String constant (default database file extension)            
 __c_dbt                   String constant (default memo file extension)                
 __c_dot                   String constant (dot character)                              
 __c_empty                 String constant (empty string)                               
 __c_fdx                   String constant (default index file extension)               
 __c_slash                 String constant (slash character)                            
 __c_space                 String constant (space character)                            
 __c_txt                   String constant (default text file extension)                
 __color_enhcd             Enhanced color attribute                                     
 __color_inact             Inactive color attribute                                     
 __color_score             Scoreboard color attribute                                   
 __color_std               Standard color attribute                                     
 __cr_first                CR/LF display setting                                        
 __cursor                  Cursor visibility                                            
 __cvtprncwi               Printer character conversion function pointer                
 __daynames                Day names array                                              
 __dbecfg                  Configuration of the dbedit() function                       
 __doscolor                DOS color attribute                                          
 __edit_browse             Memo editable flag                                           
 __edit_help_on            Memo editor help flag                                        
 __errcode                 Current error code                                           
 __errcritical             Critical error status structure                              
 __exit_status             Child process exit code                                      
 __field_eof               EOF field access setting                                     
 __getrefreshall           Get field global refresh status                              
 __last_key                Last key code                                                
 __last_scancode           Last key scan code                                           
 __lib_lang                Force library language                                       
 __matherror               Store error from the last math function call                 
 __max_col                 Greatest column number                                       
 __max_row                 Greatest row number                                          
 __memo_max                Memo buffer size                                             
 __menu_size               Menu buffer size                                             
 __monthnames              Month names array                                            
 __pcol                    Current printer column                                       
 __pmargin                 Printer margin setting                                       
 __prnhandle               Current printer device handle                                
 __prow                    Current printer row                                          
 __psp                     PSP segment address                                          
 __regs                    Processor word register value array                          
 __soft_link               Database structure verification setting                      
 __soft_seek               Non-matching seek setting                                    
 __stackmin                Minimum free runtime stack space                             
 __syscolor                System colors array                                          
 __tops_                   Top displayed item in a pick list                            
 _quit                     Terminate program                                            
 abof()                    Determine if database is at beginning of file                
 abs()                     Return absolute value                                        
 accept                    Place keyboard input to string variable                      
 activategetpreblock()     Activate a pre-get function                                  
 activateprocs()           Activate resident procedures                                 
 adbf()                    Return database name for the given alias                     
 adbfname()                Return file name of alias                                    
 addr()                    Return the address of an object                              
 adeleted()                Return deleted status for current record                     
 aeof()                    Determine if end of file is encountered in alias             
 afdx()                    Return the name of an index file                             
 afdxname()                Return file name of index                                    
 afielddec()               Return the decimal positions of a database field             
 afieldlen()               Return the length of a database field                        
 afieldname()              Return the name of a field in an alias                       
 afieldstring()            Return the contents of a field in an alias                   
 afieldtype()              Return the type of a field in an alias                       
 afldcnt()                 Return the number of fields in an alias                      
 aflock()                  Lock a database file                                         
 aheader()                 Return the size of a database header                         
 aindorder()               Return the order number of the active index                  
 alert()                   Display message box with buttons                             
 alltrim()                 Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string             
 altkey()                  Return the current status of the Alt key                     
 altkeyc()                 Return Alt key code for character                            
 altkeyn()                 Return Alt key code for ASCII code                           
 alupdate()                Return date of last update of an alias                       
 and()                     Perform a logical AND on two numbers                         
 append blank              Add a blank record to the end of a database                  
 append from               Add records from a database to the current database          
 appendext()               Append extension to a file name                              
 areccount()               Return the number of records in an alias                     
 arecno()                  Return the current record number in an alias                 
 arecsize()                Returns the record size for an alias                         
 arecstring()              Return database record contents                              
 argc()                    Return the number of command line arguments                  
 argv()                    Return individual command line arguments                     
 arlock()                  Lock the current record in an alias                          
 asc()                     Convert a character to its ASCII code                        
 at()                      Return the position of a substring within a string           
 average                   Compute the average of expressions in work area              
 barrclear()               Deallocate bit array                                         
 barrfill()                Fill a bit array                                             
 barrget()                 Get a bit array element                                      
 barrinit()                Allocate bit array                                           
 barrset()                 Set a bit array element                                      
 beep()                    Generate a system beep                                       
 bof()                     Determine if beginning of file is encountered                
 bordercolor()             Change screen border color                                   
 box()                     Draw a box within specified coordinates                      
 box3d()                   Display 3D-like box                                          
 breakbegin()              Execute breakable code                                       
 breakout()                Perform a break                                              
 browse()                  Database browse                                              
 browsemouse()             Control mouse interface for the browse() function            
 build from alias          Create a database from an alias declaration                  
 build from fields         Create a database from a field list                          
 bytetoptr()               Poke a byte value at memory address                          
 bytetosegoff()            Poke a byte value at segment/offset address                  
 calloc()                  Allocate and zero memory for data elements                   
 cancel                    Terminate program with clean up                              
 capfirst()                Capitalize words in a string                                 
 capskey()                 Return the CapsLock status                                   
 cdow()                    Return the day of week in character format                   
 center()                  Center a string within a specified width                     
 chartoptr()               Poke a string into a memory address                          
 chartosegoff()            Poke a string into a segment/offset address                  
 chdir()                   Change to the specified DOS directory                        
 checkval()                Return a dollar amount in English words                      
 chkinstalled()            Check if a TSR multiplex id exists in memory                 
 chkopen()                 Check if the specified alias is open                         
 chmod()                   Test or set file attributes                                  
 chr()                     Convert an ASCII code to a character                         
 clear                     Clear the screen                                             
 clear gets                Delete active gets from read list                            
 clear menu                Clear the current menu structure from memory                 
 clear typeahead           Clear the keyboard buffer                                    
 close                     Close database and associated memo and index files           
 close all                 Close all open files                                         
 close alternate           Close alternate file                                         
 close databases           Close all databases, memo files and indexes                  
 close index               Close index files for an alias                               
 cmonth()                  Return the month in character format                         
 cnvumlt()                 Expand accented characters in a string                       
 col()                     Return the current cursor column position                    
 colorcode()               Convert color string to color code                           
 combios()                 Execute a serial port command                                
 cominit()                 Initialize serial port                                       
 comready()                Return if a byte is received in a serial port                
 comrec()                  Receive a character from a serial port                       
 comsend()                 Send a character to a serial port                            
 comstatus()               Get serial port status                                       
 continue                  Skip to next record matching locate condition                
 copy file                 Copy a file to a new file                                    
 copy to                   Copy records to another database file                        
 coreleft()                Return the amount of available dynamic memory                
 count                     Count the records within the specified scope                 
 cpuspeed()                Return the relative CPU speed value                          
 createtempfile()          Create a file with unique name                               
 critical()                Install function as the DOS critical error handler           
 ctod()                    Convert a character string into a date value                 
 ctom()                    Return minutes corresponding to a time string                
 ctrlkey()                 Return the current status of the Ctrl key                    
 curcolor()                Draw a horizontal bar without changing screen text           
 curcolorvert()            Draw a vertical bar                                          
 curdir()                  Return the current DOS directory                             
 curdisk()                 Return the current DOS drive in character format             
 curdrive()                Return the current DOS drive in numeric format               
 curpath()                 Return current path                                          
 cursor()                  Turn the cursor on or off                                    
 cursoroff()               Turn the cursor off                                          
 cursoron()                Turn the cursor on                                           
 cursorrest()              Restore cursor status                                        
 cursorsave()              Save cursor status                                           
 cursortype()              Modify the cursor shape                                      
 datetoptr()               Poke a date value into a memory address                      
 datetosegoff()            Poke a date value into a segment/offset address              
 day()                     Return the day of the month                                  
 daysbtwdates()            Return the number of days between two dates                  
 daysec()                  Return time of the day in separate values                    
 dayseconds()              Return the number of seconds since midnight                  
 daysfrom()                Return a date that is a number of days from a date           
 dbcheck()                 Determine if a file is a database                            
 dbedit()                  Database browse with record selection                        
 dbf()                     Return the name of the current database file                 
 dbltoptr()                Poke a dbl value into a memory address                       
 dbltosegoff()             Poke a dbl value into a segment/offset address               
 dbsort()                  Sort a database                                              
 ddow()                    Return the week day according to German standards            
 deactivategetpreblock()   Cancel the current pre-get function                          
 deactivateprocs()         Deactivate resident procedures                               
 dechex()                  Convert a number to its hexadecimal representation           
 definecursor()            Define custom cursor shape                                   
 definesetkey()            Assign a function to a key press                             
 del()                     Delete a file from disk                                      
 delay()                   Delay execution while waiting for a key press                
 delete                    Mark database records for deletion                           
 deleted()                 Return the deleted status of the current record              
 detectmaxrowcol()         Autodetect the current screen size                           
 diskfree()                Return free disk space on the specified drive                
 diskspace()               Return free space on the specified drive                     
 disktotal()               Return total disk space on the specified drive               
 dispatchkey()             Enable execution of functions associated with keys           
 dispattr()                Print a string in mixed colors                               
 dispcolor()               Display a color string at coordinates                        
 dispdirect()              Print a string in screen colors                              
 dispdirectpad()           Print a string in screen colors with padding                 
 doscall()                 Execute a DOS int 21h call                                   
 dow()                     Convert date to number representing day of week              
 driveinfo()               Return information about a disk drive                        
 drivestr()                Return list of existing drives                               
 dtoc()                    Convert a date value to a character string                   
 dtos()                    Convert a date to a field date string                        
 duden()                   Convert accented characters to vowel equivalents             
 dyncheckbuffer()          Return the size of the dynamic alias buffer                  
 dynclose()                Close a dynamic database                                     
 dyncreate()               Create database without alias                                
 dynindexinit()            Initializes a dynamic index alias                            
 dynmemoclose()            Close a memo field                                           
 dynmemoedit()             Edit a memo field in a dynamic database                      
 dynmemoeof()              Determine if a memo is at EOF                                
 dynmemoget()              Return a line from a memo                                    
 dynmemoopen()             Open a memo                                                  
 dynmemoput()              Insert text into a memo                                      
 dynmemoputln()            Insert a line of text into a memo                            
 dynmemospace()            Return the amount of free space in a memo                    
 dynopen()                 Open database using dynamic alias                            
 dynrep()                  Set or get the contents of a field                           
 dyntype()                 Determine dynamic field type                                 
 eject                     Send a CR/FF to the print device                             
 emessage()                Return the message associated with the last error            
 envcount()                Return the number of items in master environment             
 envsize()                 Return the size of the master environment                    
 eof()                     Determine if end of file is encountered                      
 equipment()               Return BIOS equipment list                                   
 erase                     Delete a file                                                
 exec()                    Execute a child process                                      
 exist()                   Test if a file exists                                        
 exp()                     Return e raised to the given power                           
 faccess()                 Return the access mode of a file stream                      
 factorial()               Compute the factorial of a number                            
 fbclose()                 Close a binary file                                          
 fbeof()                   Check if a binary file is at EOF                             
 fbopen()                  Open a binary file                                           
 fbread()                  Read data from a binary file                                 
 fbreadp()                 Read data from a binary file to a pointed-to buffer          
 fbreopen()                Duplicate the handle of an open file                         
 fbseek()                  Position the read/write pointer of a binary file             
 fbwrite()                 Write data to a binary file                                  
 fbwriteln()               Write a line of text to a file                               
 fbwritep()                Write data from a pointed-to buffer to a file                
 fclose()                  Close an open text file                                      
 fdtoc()                   Convert a field date string to a date string                 
 fdtod()                   Convert a field date string to a date value                  
 fdx()                     Return the name of an index file                             
 feof()                    Test if a text file is at EOF                                
 fexit()                   User-definable exit procedure                                
 fflush()                  Write any data in a file buffer to disk                      
 fgetc()                   Read a character from a file stream                          
 fgetln()                  Read a line of text from a text file                         
 fhandle()                 Return the file handle of a file stream                      
 fielddec()                Return the decimal positions of a field                      
 fieldlen()                Return the length of a field in current alias                
 fieldname()               Return the name of a field                                   
 fieldstring()             Return the contents of a field as a string                   
 fieldtype()               Return the type of a field                                   
 fileattrib()              Return attributes of the specified file                      
 filedate()                Return the date stamp of the specified file                  
 fileselect()              Display file selection dialog box                            
 filesize()                Return the size of the specified file                        
 filetime()                Return the time stamp of the specified file                  
 fileview()                Browse a text file                                           
 fill()                    Draw a box with optional fill and shadow                     
 find                      Search an index for a matching record                        
 findfattr()               Return file attributes after a file find                     
 findfdate()               Return the date of a file after a file find                  
 findfext()                Return the extension of a file after a file find             
 findfirst()               Locate the first file matching a search pattern              
 findfsize()               Return the size of a file after a file find                  
 findfstr()                Return the name of a file after a file find                  
 findftime()               Return the time stamp of a file after a file find            
 findnext()                Find the next file in a sequence                             
 finit()                   User-definable start up procedure                            
 fldcnt()                  Return the number of fields in a database                    
 flock()                   Lock the current alias                                       
 flush                     Write records in the current alias to disk                   
 fopen()                   Open a file as buffered file stream                          
 found()                   Return result of last seek operation                         
 fput()                    Write text to a buffered file stream                         
 fputc()                   Write a single character to a buffered file stream           
 fputln()                  Write CR/LF and text line to buffered file stream            
 fraction()                Return the fraction part of a real number                    
 free()                    Release allocated dynamic memory                             
 frewind()                 Reset file pointer to beginning of a file stream             
 frexp()                   Return mantissa and exponent of numeric                      
 fsetvbuf()                Set the size of the file I/O buffer                          
 fwriteln()                Write text line followed by CR/LF to file stream             
 get                       Create and display a get field                               
 getalternate()            Return the alternate flag                                    
 getbell()                 Return the bell flag                                         
 getbreak()                Return the status of the break flag                          
 getcentury()              Return the century flag                                      
 getconfirm()              Return  the confirm flag                                     
 getconsole()              Return the console flag                                      
 getdate()                 Return the date setting                                      
 getdecimals()             Return the decimals setting                                  
 getdefault()              Return the default directory                                 
 getdeleted()              Return the deleted flag                                      
 getdelim()                Return the delimiter setting                                 
 getdevprt()               Return the printer device setting                            
 getdoscolor()             Return the DOS screen color attribute                        
 getenv()                  Return the value of a DOS environment variable               
 getenvc()                 Return environment variable (case sensitive)                 
 getepoch()                Return the epoch flag                                        
 getexact()                Return the exact flag                                        
 getexclusive()            Return the exclusive flag                                    
 getexec()                 Return full path name of currently running program           
 getfiletime()             Get the time stamp of a file                                 
 getfixed()                Return the fixed flag                                        
 getid()                   Return the id number of a get field                          
 getintensity()            Return the intensity flag                                    
 getioresult()             Check the result of the last I/O operation                   
 getkey()                  Wait for keyboard input                                      
 getmargin()               Return the margin setting                                    
 getmaxcol()               Return the maximum screen column number                      
 getmaxrow()               Return the maximum screen row number                         
 getmessage()              Return the message line setting                              
 getprint()                Return the print flag                                        
 getprnhandle()            Return the handle of the current print device                
 getrc()                   Return the cursor row and column position                    
 getregs()                 Save current register values                                 
 getscoreboard()           Return the scoreboard flag                                   
 getscrattr()              Return the attribute at screen location                      
 getscrchar()              Return the character at screen location                      
 getscrcharattr()          Return the character/attribute at screen location            
 getsetalternate()         Get and set the alternate flag                               
 getsetbell()              Get and set the bell flag                                    
 getsetcentury()           Get and set the century flag                                 
 getsetconfirm()           Get and set the confirm flag                                 
 getsetconsole()           Get and set the console flag                                 
 getsetdate()              Get and set the date format                                  
 getsetdecimals()          Get and set the decimals value                               
 getsetdeleted()           Get and set the deleted flag                                 
 getsetdelim()             Get and set the delimiters flag                              
 getsetdevprt()            Get and set the printer device                               
 getsetepoch()             Get and set the epoch flag                                   
 getsetexact()             Get and set the exact flag                                   
 getsetexclusive()         Get and set the exclusive flag                               
 getsetfixed()             Get and set the fixed flag                                   
 getsetintensity()         Get and set the intensity flag                               
 getsetkey()               Return address of routine associated with a key              
 getsetmargin()            Get and set the left margin                                  
 getsetmessage()           Get and set the message line                                 
 getsetprint()             Get and set the print flag                                   
 getsetscoreboard()        Get and set the scoreboard flag                              
 go                        Move the record pointer to the specified record              
 go bottom                 Move the record pointer to the last logical record           
 go top                    Move the record pointer to the first logical record          
 growbox()                 Draw a zooming box                                           
 handleready()             Test a device handle for read or write                       
 header()                  Return size of header for current alias                      
 hexdec()                  Convert hexa string to its numeric representation            
 hibyte()                  Return high byte of uint number                              
 hiword()                  Return the high word of an ulong number                      
 iifb()                    Conditional expression for byte values                       
 iifc()                    Evaluate a conditional char expression                       
 iifd()                    Evaluate a conditional date expression                       
 iifg()                    Evaluate a conditional long expression                       
 iifi()                    Evaluate a conditional int expression                        
 iifl()                    Evaluate a conditional boolean expression                    
 iifn()                    Evaluate a conditional dbl expression                        
 imessage()                Return the message associated with a runtime error           
 indcall()                 Execute an indirect function call                            
 index                     Create an index file                                         
 indorder()                Return order number of active controlling index              
 initsetkey()              Initialize associating functions with key presses            
 inkey()                   Read a key from the keyboard and return key code             
 input                     Place keyboard input to variable                             
 insertkey()               Test the state of the insert mode                            
 interrupt()               Call a system interrupt                                      
 inttoptr()                Poke an int value into a memory address                      
 inttosegoff()             Poke an int value into a segment/offset address              
 intwflags()               Call a system interrupt, returning flags                     
 intx86()                  Execute 8086 software interrupt                              
 invcolor()                Swap fore/background values in a color attribute             
 iround()                  Round a number to integer                                    
 isalpha()                 Determine if a string begins with a letter                   
 iscolor()                 Determine if monitor has color capability                    
 iscursor()                Determine cursor visibility                                  
 isdigit()                 Determine if a string begins with a digit                    
 isdir()                   Return if the specified directory exist                      
 isdrive()                 Return if the specified drive exist                          
 isempty()                 Determine if a string is empty                               
 iskey()                   Return if a key press is available                           
 islower()                 Determine if a string begins in lower case                   
 ismouseon()               Determine if the mouse cursor is visible                     
 istr()                    Convert an integer to a character string                     
 isupper()                 Determine if a string begins in upper case                   
 itod()                    Convert day, month and year values into date value           
 itrunc()                  Truncate a number to an integer                              
 ival()                    Convert a string to its numeric representation               
 keybios()                 Set up BIOS keyboard driver                                  
 keyboard()                Stuff the keyboard buffer with a string                      
 keydirect()               Wait for keypress                                            
 keydos()                  Set up DOS keyboard driver                                   
 keyint()                  Stuff the keyboard with key press                            
 label form                Display a label                                              
 ladjust()                 Left-adjust a string                                         
 lastkey()                 Return last key removed from keyboard buffer                 
 ldexp()                   Convert mantissa and exponent to numeric                     
 left()                    Extract substring from the left end of a string              
 len()                     Return the length of a string                                
 listget()                 Return a generic list item                                   
 listitemlen()             Return the length of a generic list item                     
 listput()                 Add an item to a generic list                                
 listreplace()             Replace a generic list item                                  
 ln()                      Return the natural logarithm of a numeric                    
 lobyte()                  Return low byte of uint number                               
 locate                    Search database for record matching a condition              
 log()                     Return the natural logarithm of a numeric                    
 log10()                   Return the base 10 logarithm of a numeric                    
 logicaltoptr()            Poke a logical value into a memory address                   
 logicaltosegoff()         Poke a logical value into a segment/offset address           
 logtostr()                Return the string representation of a logical                
 longrotateleft()          Rotate left the bits in a ulong by the given number          
 longrotateright()         Rotate right the bits in a ulong by given number             
 longshiftleft()           Shift left the bits in a ulong by the given number           
 longshiftright()          Shift right the bits in a ulong by the given number          
 longtoptr()               Poke a long value into a memory address                      
 longtosegoff()            Poke a long value into a segment/offset address              
 lower()                   Convert uppercase characters to lowercase                    
 loword()                  Return the low word of a ulong number                        
 ltoc()                    Convert logical value to string                              
 ltrim()                   Remove leading spaces from a string                          
 lupdate()                 Return the date when a database was last updated             
 main()                    Main code entry point function                               
 makepath()                Generate full path from its components                       
 makeptr()                 Convert segment/offset to 32-bit address                     
 malloc()                  Allocate dynamic memory                                      
 maskbit()                 Logical bitwise comparison                                   
 max()                     Return the greater of two numbers                            
 mclose()                  Close file buffers associated with a memo                    
 medit()                   Edit a memo field                                            
 memloss()                 Reports memory leaks in a program                            
 memtoptr()                Copy from an object to memory address                        
 memtosegoff()             Copy from an object to segment/offset address                
 menu to                   Activate a menu initialized by prompt commands               
 menu to return            Activate a menu with alternate selection                     
 menuchk()                 Validate a menu pointer                                      
 menuclear()               Clear a menu system from memory                              
 menucoloffset()           Return the global menu column offset                         
 menucurrentid()           Return the identifier of the current prompt                  
 menudispall()             Redisplay all prompts                                        
 menudispcurrent()         Redisplay the current prompt                                 
 menudispitem()            Redisplay the specified prompt                               
 menudispmessage()         Display the current prompt's message                         
 menuexecfunc()            Execute the current prompt's function                        
 menufindhot()             Scan the prompts for a hot key                               
 menufindrc()              Scan the prompts for a screen location                       
 menugetcol()              Return a prompt's left screen column                         
 menugetprompt()           Return a prompt's text                                       
 menugetpromptlen()        Return the length of a prompt's text                         
 menugetrow()              Return a prompt's screen row                                 
 menugetsub()              Return a submenu pointer                                     
 menuisactive()            Return a prompt's active status                              
 menuishot()               Return the status of the hot-key mode                        
 menuiswrap()              return the status of the wrap mode                           
 menuitemcount()           Return the number of prompts in a menu                       
 menuleftcol()             Return the leftmost menu column                              
 menunew()                 Create a new menu system                                     
 menupdframe()             Define a frame type for pulldown menus                       
 menupdfull()              Set the display mode of a pulldown menu                      
 menupromptlen()           Return the maximum length of all prompts                     
 menupromptnew()           Add a new prompt to a menu                                   
 menuptr()                 Return a pointer to the default menu                         
 menupulldown()            Execute a pulldown menu system                               
 menurowoffset()           Set the global row offset for a menu                         
 menusetactive()           Set the active flag of a prompt                              
 menusetcurrent()          Make a prompt current                                        
 menuseterror()            Set the menu error handler method                            
 menusetfirst()            Make the first prompt in a menu current                      
 menusetfunc()             Link a function to a prompt                                  
 menusethot()              Set the hot key mode of a menu                               
 menusetlast()             Make the last prompt in a menu current                       
 menusetmessage()          Define a prompt's message                                    
 menusetnext()             Make the next prompt in a menu current                       
 menusetoffset()           Set the screen offset of a menu                              
 menusetprev()             Make the previous prompt in a menu current                   
 menusetprompt()           Change the text of a prompt                                  
 menusetsub()              Link a submenu to a prompt                                   
 menusetwrap()             Set the wrap mode of a menu                                  
 menutoprow()              Return the topmost screen row of a menu                      
 meof()                    Determine if a memo is at the EOF                            
 mexist()                  Determine if a memo exists for the current record            
 mgetln()                  Return a line of text from a memo                            
 min()                     Return the smaller of two numbers                            
 mkdir()                   Create a directory                                           
 moddbl()                  Return the modulus of two numeric values                     
 month()                   Return the number of the month                               
 mopen()                   Open a memo                                                  
 morehandles()             Enable opening up to 255 files at one time                   
 mouseanybutton()          Determine if a mouse button is pressed                       
 mouseavail()              Determine if a mouse is available                            
 mousebuttons()            Return the number of mouse buttons                           
 mousebuttval()            Return the status of all mouse buttons                       
 mousebuttwpress()         Wait for specified mouse button press                        
 mousebuttwrel()           Wait for specified mouse button release                      
 mousechkbutton()          Test if mouse buttons are pressed                            
 mouseclick()              Check for a mouse click                                      
 mousecol()                Return current mouse cursor column                           
 mousecpressed()           Return column where mouse button was last pressed            
 mousecrel()               Return column where mouse button was last released           
 mousecurstype()           Define mouse cursor type                                     
 mousedefarea()            Restrict mouse movement to specified area                    
 mouseinarea()             Determine if the mouse is within an area                     
 mouseoff()                Hide the mouse cursor                                        
 mouseon()                 Make the mouse cursor visible                                
 mouserestore()            Restore a previously saved mouse state                       
 mouserow()                Return the current mouse cursor row                          
 mouserpressed()           Return row where mouse button was last pressed               
 mouserrel()               Return row where mouse button was last released              
 mousesave()               Save mouse state                                             
 mousesetcol()             Move the mouse cursor to the specified column                
 mousesetrow()             Move the mouse cursor to the specified row                   
 mousesetrowcol()          Move the mouse cursor to the specified position              
 mput()                    Insert text into a memo                                      
 mputln()                  Insert a line of text into a memo                            
 mspace()                  Return the amount of free space in a memo                    
 mtoc()                    Return time corresponding to number of minutes               
 neterror()                Return the last network error code                           
 noburnkey()               Clear screen and scroll message                              
 normalize()               Converts character string to "normalized" form               
 not()                     Perform bitwise negation                                     
 note                      Place a single-line comment in source file                   
 npready()                 Test if printer at specified port is ready                   
 numcomma()                Add commas at thousand positions to a number string          
 numkey()                  Return the state of the NumLock key                          
 offsetvalue()             Return the offset address of an object                       
 on error do               Install a runtime error handler routine                      
 on idle do                Install a procedure to execute in the wait key loop          
 on index do               Install a procedure to execute in the indexing loop          
 on key do                 Redirect keyboard input through a function                   
 on neterr do              Install network error handler routine                        
 on pack do                Install a procedure to execute in the pack loop              
 open                      Open database, memo and index files                          
 or()                      Perform a bitwise OR on two parameters                       
 os()                      Return DOS version as string                                 
 osver()                   Return DOS version numbers                                   
 pack                      Remove deleted records and reindex                           
 pad()                     Right-pad string with blanks                                 
 padc()                    Center-pad a string with fill character                      
 padl()                    Left-pad a string with fill character                        
 padr()                    Right-pad a string with fill character                       
 parseenv()                Return an element of the master environment                  
 pathof()                  Return the full pathname of a file name                      
 pcol()                    Return the current column position of the printer            
 peek()                    Return the byte at a memory address                          
 peekw()                   Return the word at a memory address                          
 pickadd()                 Add an item to a string list                                 
 pickaddid()               Add an item to a string list with identifier                 
 pickchg()                 Replace a string list item                                   
 pickclear()               Release memory allocated for a list                          
 pickcopy()                Copy a string list to another                                
 pickcount()               Return the number of items in a list                         
 pickdelete()              Delete an item from a list                                   
 pickdisp()                Display a string list with enhanced features                 
 pickeval()                Evaluate a list                                              
 pickexchange()            Exchange two items in a string list                          
 pickfile()                Read a file into a string list                               
 pickfill()                Fill a string list with items                                
 pickflag()                Read a flag bit of a list item                               
 pickflags()               Read the flag byte of a list item                            
 pickhotch()               Return the current hot-key lead-in character                 
 pickhotkey()              Return the hot-key of a list item                            
 pickhotpos()              Return the position of a hot-key in a list item              
 pickid()                  Return the identifier of a list item                         
 pickinit()                Initialize a list in dynamic memory                          
 pickinsert()              Insert a new item in a string list                           
 pickisactive()            Return the active status of a list item                      
 pickismarked()            Return the marked status of a list item                      
 pickisskip()              Return the skip mode of a list                               
 pickiswrap()              Return the wrap mode of a list                               
 pickkeystd()              Default keyboard handler for string list display             
 picklinech()              Return the current separator character of a list             
 picklist()                Display a string list                                        
 pickmarkch()              Return the current tick marker character of a list           
 pickmarkpos()             Return the current marker position of a list                 
 pickreplace()             Replace an item of a list                                    
 pickreverse()             Reverse the items of a list                                  
 pickscan()                Scan a list for a string                                     
 pickseekid()              Find the order number of a list item by id number            
 picksetact()              Set the active status of a list item                         
 picksetflag()             Set a flag bit of a list item                                
 picksetflags()            Set the flag byte of a list item                             
 picksethotch()            Define the hot-key marker character of a list                
 picksetlinech()           Define the separator character of a list                     
 picksetmarkch()           Define the tick marker character of a list                   
 picksetmarked()           Set the marked status of a list item                         
 picksetmarkpos()          Define the tick marker position of a list                    
 picksetskip()             Define the skip mode of a list                               
 picksetudf()              Associate a routine with a list                              
 picksetwrap()             Define the wrap mode of a list                               
 picksize()                Adjust the size of a string list                             
 picksort()                Sort a string list                                           
 pickstr()                 Return the string associated with a list item                
 pickstring()              Return list string with hot-key markers eliminated           
 pickstrlen()              Return length of string list item                            
 picktrim()                Eliminate empty items from the end of a string list          
 pickudf()                 Return the address of the routine associated with a list     
 pickvalidate()            Validate a list                                              
 pickwrite()               Write a list to a file                                       
 poke()                    Write a byte to a memory address                             
 pokew()                   Write a word to a memory address                             
 popbox()                  Display popup message box with buttons                       
 portinb()                 Read a byte from an I/O port                                 
 portinw()                 Read a word from an I/O port                                 
 portoutb()                Write a byte to an I/O port                                  
 portoutw()                Write a word to an I/O port                                  
 power()                   Compute value of numeric raised to specified power           
 pready()                  Determine if print device is ready to receive data           
 procentry()               Install a procedure to execute upon a key sequence           
 progbar()                 Display progress bar                                         
 prompt                    Add an item to the current menu structure                    
 prompt1st()               Find prompt beginning with specified character               
 promptupper()             Find prompt containing specified upper case letter           
 prow()                    Return the current printer row position                      
 prstatus()                Return printer port status                                   
 ptrtobyte()               Read a byte from a memory address                            
 ptrtochar()               Read a string from a memory address                          
 ptrtodate()               Read a date from a memory address                            
 ptrtodbl()                Read a dbl value from a memory address                       
 ptrtoint()                Read an int value from a memory address                      
 ptrtological()            Read a logical from a mmeory address                         
 ptrtolong()               Read a long value from a memory address                      
 ptrtomem()                Copy from memory address to an object                        
 ptrtouint()               Read a uint value from a memory address                      
 ptrtoulong()              Read a ulong value from a memory address                     
 putscrattr()              Set attribute at screen location                             
 putscrchar()              Write character to screen location                           
 putscrcharattr()          Write character and attribute to screen location             
 quit                      Terminate program with clean up                              
 radjust()                 Right-adjust a string                                        
 random()                  Return a random number between 0 and 32767                   
 randomize()               Initialize random number generator                           
 randomnum()               Return a random number in an interval                        
 rat()                     Return rightmost position of a substring in string           
 read                      Activate pending gets                                        
 realloc()                 Reallocate memory block                                      
 recall                    Restore records marked for deletion                          
 reccount()                Return the number of records in the current alias            
 recno()                   Return the current record number in current alias            
 recsize()                 Return the size of a record in the current alias             
 reindex                   Regenerate all indexes for a database                        
 releasescreens()          Release screen save stack                                    
 ren()                     Change the name of a file                                    
 rename                    Change the name of a file                                    
 repaintarea()             Restore screen without removing from save stack              
 repaintareax()            Restore a saved screen area                                  
 repaintnew()              Restore screen area at new coordinates                       
 replace                   Assign values to database fields                             
 replicate()               Return string repeated a specified number of times           
 report form               Display a report                                             
 resetbit()                Clear selected bit                                           
 restcolors()              Restore saved color settings                                 
 restore                   Initialize variables saved in a file                         
 restorearea()             Restore last saved screen                                    
 restoreareafromfile()     Restore screen area from a screen file                       
 restoregets()             Restore a saved get/read                                     
 restoremenu()             Restore a saved menu                                         
 restorenew()              Restore a saved screen to a new position                     
 restorescreen()           Restore a saved screen                                       
 restorescrn()             Restores a screen area                                       
 restorescrnd()            Restore screen with delay                                    
 restoreworkarea()         Restore the last saved work area                             
 restrc()                  Restore saved cursor position                                
 right()                   Extract substring from the right end of a string             
 rlock()                   Lock current record in current database                      
 rmdir()                   Remove a directory                                           
 rotateleft()              Rotate left the bits in a uint by the given number           
 rotateright()             Rotate right the bits in a uint by the given number          
 round()                   Round a number to decimal places                             
 row()                     Return the current cursor row position                       
 rtrim()                   Remove trailing spaces from a string                         
 run                       Execute a child process                                      
 sample                    Display a test label                                         
 save                      Save memory variables to disk                                
 savearea()                Save screen area                                             
 saveareatofile()          Save screen area to disk file                                
 savecolors()              Save current color settings                                  
 savegets()                Save the state of a get/read                                 
 savemenu()                Save current menu/prompt data                                
 saverc()                  Save the current cursor position                             
 savescreen()              Save the entire screen image                                 
 savescrn()                Save a screen area to a variable                             
 saveworkarea()            Saves information about the selected database                
 say                       Display data at specified device location                    
 scrlline()                Scroll screen area one line up or down                       
 scrnbios()                Set up BIOS screen driver                                    
 scrndirect()              Set up direct screen driver                                  
 scrndos()                 Set up DOS screen driver                                     
 scrndriver()              Return current screen driver identifier                      
 scroll()                  Scroll screen area up or down                                
 scrollfill()              Scroll screen area filling blank lines                       
 scrollkey()               Test if ScrollLock is on                                     
 scrseg()                  Return segment address of video adapter buffer               
 seconds()                 Return the number of seconds since midnight                  
 seek                      Search an index for a matching record                        
 segmentvalue()            Return the segment address of an object                      
 segofftobyte()            Read a byte from a segment/offset address                    
 segofftochar()            Read a string from a segment/offset address                  
 segofftodate()            Reaf a date from a segment/offset address                    
 segofftodbl()             Read a dbl value from a segment/offset address               
 segofftoint()             Read an int value from a segment/offset address              
 segofftological()         Read a logical from a segment/offset address                 
 segofftolong()            Read a long value from a segment/offset address              
 segofftomem()             Copy from segment/offset address to an object                
 segofftouint()            Read a uint value from a segment/offset address              
 segofftoulong()           Read a ulong value from a segment/offset address             
 select                    Activate a work area                                         
 select                    Activate a work area                                         
 selectdrive()             Change the current drive                                     
 selectprompt()            Reposition the prompt highlight bar                          
 set alias to              Establish a file name for an alias                           
 set alternate             Control the alternate flag                                   
 set alternate to          Control the alternate flag                                   
 set bell                  Control the bell flag                                        
 set century               Control the century flag                                     
 set color to              Control the console color                                    
 set confirm               Control the confirm flag                                     
 set console               Control the console flag                                     
 set date                  Control the format of date variables                         
 set decimals to           Establish the number of decimal places displayed             
 set default to            Set the DOS default drive and directory                      
 set delete                Control the deleted flag                                     
 set delimiters            Control the delimiters for the get system                    
 set delimiters to         Set the delimiter character                                  
 set device to             Set the output device for the say command                    
 set epoch to              Control the epoch flag                                       
 set exact                 Control the exact flag                                       
 set exclusive             Control the exclusive flag                                   
 set filter to             Insert or remove an item in the filter list                  
 set fixed                 Control the fixed flag                                       
 set index to              Open index files                                             
 set intensity             Control the intensity flag                                   
 set label to              Initalize a label form                                       
 set margin to             Set the left margin                                          
 set message to            Set the row for displaying the menu system message           
 set noeject               Control form feed prior to printing reports                  
 set nwidth to             Set width of numerics                                        
 set order to              Set the master index alias                                   
 set plain                 Control page headings in reports                             
 set print                 Control the print flag                                       
 set printer to            Specify the print device                                     
 set relation to           Inserts or remove an item in the relation list               
 set report to             Initialize a report form                                     
 set scoreboard            Control the scoreboard flag                                  
 set summary               Control detail line printing in reports                      
 setalternate()            Set the alternate flag                                       
 setbell()                 Set the bell flag                                            
 setbit()                  Set specified bit                                            
 setblink()                Set screen blink mode and high intensity background          
 setbreak()                Allow the break key to stop a process                        
 setbreakkey()             Define a break key                                           
 setcapskey()              Set Caps mode                                                
 setcapspos()              Set scoreboard position of the Caps indicator                
 setcentury()              Set the century flag                                         
 setcolors()               Set color attributes                                         
 setcolorto()              Set display colors using color string                        
 setconfirm()              Set the confirm flag                                         
 setconsole()              Set the console flag                                         
 setdate()                 Set the date format                                          
 setdbcrstring()           Define display for '@C' and '@X' picture functions           
 setdecimals()             Set the decimals value                                       
 setdeleted()              Set the deleted flag                                         
 setdelim()                Set the delimiters flag                                      
 setdevprt()               Set the pronter device                                       
 setepoch()                Set the epoch flag                                           
 setexact()                Set the exact flag                                           
 setexclusive()            Set the exclusive flag                                       
 setfiletime()             Set the time stamp of a file                                 
 setfixed()                Set the fixed flag                                           
 setinsertkey()            Set insert mode                                              
 setinspos()               Set scoreboard position of the Ins indicator                 
 setintensity()            Set the intensity flag                                       
 setiotrap()               Set DOS error trapping mode                                  
 setlogicmask()            Set acceptable logical picture characters                    
 setmargin()               Set the left margin                                          
 setmaxrowcol()            Set screen sizes                                             
 setmessage()              Set the message row                                          
 setmessagecol()           Set the leftmost screen column for messages                  
 setmode()                 Change display mode                                          
 setnumkey()               Set NumLock mode                                             
 setnumpos()               Set scoreboard position of the Num indicator                 
 setprc()                  Set printer row and column counters                          
 setprint()                Set the print flag                                           
 setrc()                   Set cursor position                                          
 setregs()                 Set register values                                          
 setscoreboard()           Set the scoreboard flag                                      
 setscrollkey()            Set Scroll Lock mode                                         
 setscrollpos()            Set scoreboard position of the Scroll indicator              
 settime()                 Set system time                                              
 settoday()                Set system date                                              
 shiftkey()                Test if the Shift key is pressed                             
 shiftleft()               Shift left the bits in a uint by the given number            
 shiftright()              Shift right the bits in a uint by the given number           
 skip                      Move the record pointer to a new position                    
 sound()                   Sound a speaker tone of frequency/duration                   
 soundex()                 Convert string to soundex form                               
 space()                   Returns a string of space characters                         
 splitcommand()            Split a full DOS command to its components                   
 splitpath()               Split a full path name to its components                     
 splitptr()                Convert a pointer to segment/offset                          
 sqrt()                    Return the square root of a positive number                  
 squish()                  Remove spaces from string while converting to lowercase      
 stackavail()              Return the size of available stack memory                    
 store                     Assign values to memory variables                            
 str()                     Convert number to a formatted string                         
 strafter()                Return string end after substring                            
 strbetween()              Return string part between two substrings                    
 strcount()                Count the occurrences of a character in a string             
 strcountptr()             Count character occurrences in pointed-to string             
 strdecrypt()              Decrypt an encrypted string                                  
 strencrypt()              Encrypt a character string                                   
 strfilter()               Eliminate all occurrences of a character from string         
 strpack()                 Pack a string                                                
 strtolog()                Return a logical representing a logical string               
 strunpack()               Unpack a string                                              
 stuff()                   Insert, delete and replace characters in a string            
 substr()                  Extract a substring from a character string                  
 sum                       Total expressions for each record within a scope             
 swapcolors()              Exchange standard and enhanced colors                        
 testbit()                 Test if a bit is set in a number                             
 ticks()                   Delay execution for specified number of clock ticks          
 time()                    Return the current system time                               
 timerentry()              Install a procedure to periodically execute                  
 today()                   Return the current system date                               
 token()                   Return a token from a string                                 
 tokenptr()                Return a token from a string pointer                         
 tolower()                 Return character code in lower case                          
 toupper()                 Return character code in upper case                          
 trim()                    Remove trailing spaces from a string                         
 trunc()                   Return the whole part of a number                            
 tsr()                     Terminate a program that remains resident                    
 tsrinstall()              Install a multiplex id number                                
 type                      Display the contents of a file to the screen                 
 typefile()                Display the contents of a file                               
 uinttoptr()               Poke a uint value into a memory address                      
 uinttosegoff()            Poke a uint value into a segment/offset address              
 ulongtoptr()              Poke a ulong value into a memory address                     
 ulongtosegoff()           Poke a ulong value into a segment/offset address             
 unloadtsr()               Remove a TSR application from memory                         
 unlock                    Release a lock in the current work area                      
 updatecursor()            Make cursor shape track state of Insert flag                 
 updatescoreboard()        Update active scoreboard items                               
 upper()                   Convert lowercase characters to uppercase                    
 use                       Close all files associated with the current alias            
 use <sAlias>              Open database                                                
 val()                     Convert a string to a double-precision number                
 verifydate()              Verifies a date value                                        
 version()                 Return Force library version                                 
 vidaddr()                 Return the address of the first video page                   
 videotype()               Return type of the active video adapter                      
 wait                      Wait for key press while displaying a prompt                 
 waitkey()                 Delay execution unless key is pressed                        
 waitms()                  Wait for specified time                                      
 waitproc()                Install a function to call with the wait command             
 wildequal()               Perform a wildcard search of a mask string                   
 word()                    Extract a word from a string                                 
 xor()                     Perform a bitwise exclusive OR on two arguments              
 year()                    Return the year of a date                                    
 zap                       Remove all records and associated memo fields                
 zaprec()                  Remove a range of records                                    
 zoombox()                 Display a zooming box with shadow                            

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