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 listget()           Return a generic list item
 listitemlen()       Return the length of a generic list item
 listput()           Add an item to a generic list
 listreplace()       Replace a generic list item
 pickadd()           Add an item to a string list
 pickaddid()         Add an item to a string list with identifier
 pickchg()           Replace a string list item
 pickclear()         Release memory allocated for a list
 pickcopy()          Copy a string list to another
 pickcount()         Return the number of items in a list
 pickdelete()        Delete an item from a list
 pickdisp()          Display a string list with enhanced features
 pickeval()          Evaluate a list
 pickexchange()      Exchange two items in a string list
 pickfile()          Read a file into a string list
 pickfill()          Fill a string list with items
 pickflag()          Read a flag bit of a list item
 pickflags()         Read the flag byte of a list item
 pickhotch()         Return the current hot-key lead-in character
 pickhotkey()        Return the hot-key of a list item
 pickhotpos()        Return the position of a hot-key in a list item
 pickid()            Return the identifier of a list item
 pickinit()          Initialize a list in dynamic memory
 pickinsert()        Insert a new item in a string list
 pickisactive()      Return the active status of a list item
 pickismarked()      Return the marked status of a list item
 pickisskip()        Return the skip mode of a list
 pickiswrap()        Return the wrap mode of a list
 pickkeystd()        Default keyboard handler for string list display
 picklinech()        Return the current separator character of a list
 picklist()          Display a string list
 pickmarkch()        Return the current tick marker character of a list
 pickmarkpos()       Return the current marker position of a list
 pickreplace()       Replace an item of a list
 pickreverse()       Reverse the items of a list
 pickscan()          Scan a list for a string
 pickseekid()        Find the order number of a list item by id number
 picksetact()        Set the active status of a list item
 picksetflag()       Set a flag bit of a list item
 picksetflags()      Set the flag byte of a list item
 picksethotch()      Define the hot-key marker character of a list
 picksetlinech()     Define the separator character of a list
 picksetmarkch()     Define the tick marker character of a list
 picksetmarked()     Set the marked status of a list item
 picksetmarkpos()    Define the tick marker position of a list
 picksetskip()       Define the skip mode of a list
 picksetudf()        Associate a routine with a list
 picksetwrap()       Define the wrap mode of a list
 picksize()          Adjust the size of a string list
 picksort()          Sort a string list
 pickstr()           Return the string associated with a list item
 pickstring()        Return list string with hot-key markers eliminated
 pickstrlen()        Return length of string list item
 picktrim()          Eliminate empty items from the end of a string list
 pickudf()           Return the address of the routine associated with a list
 pickvalidate()      Validate a list
 pickwrite()         Write a list to a file
 __tops_             Top displayed item in a pick list

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