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 abs()               Return absolute value
 and()               Perform a logical AND on two numbers
 barrclear()         Deallocate bit array
 barrfill()          Fill a bit array
 barrget()           Get a bit array element
 barrinit()          Allocate bit array
 barrset()           Set a bit array element
 dechex()            Convert a number to its hexadecimal representation
 exp()               Return e raised to the given power
 factorial()         Compute the factorial of a number
 fraction()          Return the fraction part of a real number
 frexp()             Return mantissa and exponent of numeric
 getdecimals()       Return the decimals setting
 getfixed()          Return the fixed flag
 getsetdecimals()    Get and set the decimals value
 getsetfixed()       Get and set the fixed flag
 hexdec()            Convert hexa string to its numeric representation
 hibyte()            Return high byte of uint number
 hiword()            Return the high word of an ulong number
 iround()            Round a number to integer
 itrunc()            Truncate a number to an integer
 ldexp()             Convert mantissa and exponent to numeric
 ln()                Return the natural logarithm of a numeric
 lobyte()            Return low byte of uint number
 log()               Return the natural logarithm of a numeric
 log10()             Return the base 10 logarithm of a numeric
 longrotateleft()    Rotate left the bits in a ulong by the given number
 longrotateright()   Rotate right the bits in a ulong by given number
 longshiftleft()     Shift left the bits in a ulong by the given number
 longshiftright()    Shift right the bits in a ulong by the given number
 loword()            Return the low word of a ulong number
 maskbit()           Logical bitwise comparison
 max()               Return the greater of two numbers
 min()               Return the smaller of two numbers
 moddbl()            Return the modulus of two numeric values
 not()               Perform bitwise negation
 or()                Perform a bitwise OR on two parameters
 power()             Compute value of numeric raised to specified power
 random()            Return a random number between 0 and 32767
 randomize()         Initialize random number generator
 randomnum()         Return a random number in an interval
 resetbit()          Clear selected bit
 rotateleft()        Rotate left the bits in a uint by the given number
 rotateright()       Rotate right the bits in a uint by the given number
 round()             Round a number to decimal places
 set decimals to     Establish the number of decimal places displayed
 set fixed           Control the fixed flag
 set nwidth to       Set width of numerics
 setbit()            Set specified bit
 setdecimals()       Set the decimals value
 setfixed()          Set the fixed flag
 shiftleft()         Shift left the bits in a uint by the given number
 shiftright()        Shift right the bits in a uint by the given number
 sqrt()              Return the square root of a positive number
 testbit()           Test if a bit is set in a number
 trunc()             Return the whole part of a number
 xor()               Perform a bitwise exclusive OR on two arguments
 __matherror         Store error from the last math function call

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